Ai Networking Integration

Introduction to the Azure OpenAI for Python Network Automation Series

Series Outline: Python Network Automation with Azure OpenAI


  • Overview of the series
  • Goals and expected outcomes
  • Tools and technologies used

Part 1: Setting Up Your Python Environment

  • Installing Python and necessary libraries
  • Setting up a virtual environment

Part 2: Introduction to Network Automation

  • Understanding network automation concepts
  • Benefits of automating network tasks

Part 3: Introduction to Azure OpenAI

  • Overview of Azure OpenAI
  • Setting up an Azure account and OpenAI service

Part 4: Project Directory Setup

  • Organizing project files and directories
  • Best practices for project structure

Part 5: Working with APIs for Network Devices

  • Overview of RESTful APIs
  • Using Python's requests library to interact with network devices

Part 6: Configuration Management with Python

  • Managing device configurations
  • Using libraries like Netmiko and NAPALM

Part 7: Real-Time Network Monitoring

  • Overview of SNMP and NetFlow
  • Setting up monitoring scripts

Part 8: Implementing Basic Network Automation

  • Automating basic tasks like configuration backups
  • Scheduling tasks with cron jobs

Part 9: Advanced Network Automation Techniques

  • Dynamic configuration updates
  • Utilizing Python for network changes

Part 10: Leveraging Azure OpenAI for Network Automation

  • Using OpenAI's capabilities to enhance automation
  • Generating configurations with AI assistance

Part 11: Introduction to IGPs, STP, ACLs, and BGP

  • Overview of routing protocols
  • Importance of security policies and access control

Part 12: Network Protocols Deep Dive

  • Detailed examination of essential network protocols
  • TCP/IP and OSI Model explained

Part 13: Building Network Configuration Templates

  • Creating reusable templates for network devices
  • Utilizing Jinja2 for templating

Part 14: Integrating CI/CD in Network Automation

  • Setting up CI/CD pipelines for network code
  • Tools like GitHub Actions and Jenkins

Part 15: Implementing Advanced Network Security

  • Automating firewalls and ACLs
  • Integration with Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)

Part 16: Real-Time Monitoring and Feedback Loops

  • Using SNMP, NetFlow, and telemetry for monitoring
  • Implementing feedback loops for dynamic responses

Part 17: Building a Comprehensive Network Automation Framework

  • Integrating all components into a cohesive framework
  • Best practices for maintainable code

Part 18: Automating Network Security

  • Automating firewall rule management
  • Dynamic ACL updates and IDPS integration

Part 19: Network Automation and Zero Trust Security

  • Understanding the Zero Trust architecture
  • Implementing Zero Trust principles in network automation

Part 20: Future Trends in Network Automation

  • Exploring emerging technologies and trends
  • Preparing for the future of networking and automation


  • Recap of key learnings
  • Future steps and continuous improvement in network automation

1. TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Overview: The TCP/IP protocol suite is the foundational technology for the Internet, enabling communication between different devices and networks. It consists of a set of protocols that work together to transmit data reliably.

1.1 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that ensures reliable, ordered delivery of a stream of data. It is essential for applications requiring guaranteed delivery, such as web browsing and file transfers.

TCP Header Structure:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|    Source Port (16 bits)         |  Destination Port (16 bits)  |
|         Sequence Number (32 bits)             |
|    Acknowledgment Number (32 bits)              |
| Data  |Rese- |  Control Flags (6 bits) |      Window Size (16 bits)        |
|Offset |rved  |   (URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN)          |
|  (4 bits) | (4 bits) |            |
|   Checksum (16 bits)            |     Urgent Pointer (16 bits)    |
|   Options (Variable length)      |
|      Data (Payload) (Variable length)        |

TCP Header Fields:

  • Source Port (16 bits): Port number of the sending application.
  • Destination Port (16 bits): Port number of the receiving application.
  • Sequence Number (32 bits): Indicates the order of bytes in the stream. It is used to reassemble packets correctly.
  • Acknowledgment Number (32 bits): Indicates the next byte expected from the sender, providing reliable delivery confirmation.
  • Data Offset (4 bits): The size of the TCP header in 32-bit words, indicating where the data begins.
  • Reserved (4 bits): Reserved for future use, usually set to zero.
  • Control Flags (6 bits): Flags indicating the state of the connection (URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN).
  • Window Size (16 bits): The size of the sender’s receive window (buffer) indicating how much data can be sent before waiting for an acknowledgment.
  • Checksum (16 bits): Error-checking field used to verify the integrity of the header and data.
  • Urgent Pointer (16 bits): Indicates the end of urgent data if the URG flag is set.
  • Options (Variable length): Additional options like Maximum Segment Size (MSS) that provide extra features.
  • Data (Variable length): Contains the actual payload of the TCP segment.

1.2 IP (Internet Protocol)

IP is responsible for addressing and routing packets of data between devices across networks. It is a fundamental protocol for Internet communication.

IP Header Structure:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|Version|IHL |Type of Service (TOS)|Total Length (16 bits)     |
|  Identification (16 bits) |Flags |Fragment Offset (13 bits) |
| Time to Live (TTL) | Protocol (8 bits) |    Header Checksum (16 bits)   |
|              Source IP Address (32 bits)                |
|            Destination IP Address (32 bits)              |
| Options (Variable length) | Data (Variable length)       |

IP Header Fields:

  • Version (4 bits): Indicates the IP version (IPv4 or IPv6).
  • IHL (Internet Header Length, 4 bits): The length of the IP header in 32-bit words.
  • Type of Service (8 bits): Specifies how the packet should be handled (used for QoS).
  • Total Length (16 bits): The entire packet length (header + data).
  • Identification (16 bits): Used to uniquely identify fragments of a packet.
  • Flags (3 bits): Controls packet fragmentation (e.g., to fragment or not).
  • Fragment Offset (13 bits): Indicates the position of a fragment in the original packet.
  • Time to Live (TTL, 8 bits): The maximum number of hops before the packet is discarded, preventing looping.
  • Protocol (8 bits): Indicates the upper-layer protocol (TCP, UDP).
  • Header Checksum (16 bits): Error-checking field for the header.
  • Source IP Address (32 bits): IP address of the sender.
  • Destination IP Address (32 bits): IP address of the intended recipient.
  • Options (Variable length): Additional options for the packet.
  • Data (Variable length): Contains the actual payload.

2. HTTP/HTTPS Protocol

Overview: HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used for transferring web pages and data over the Internet. HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is the secure version of HTTP, which uses SSL/TLS to encrypt the data.

2.1 HTTP Request Header Structure

HTTP Request Header Format:

Method  Request-URI          HTTP-Version
| GET/POST/PUT/DELETE | /index.html                | HTTP/1.1            |
| Host: example.com                                    |
| User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0                             |
| Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9 |
| Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5                     |
| Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate                       |
| Connection: keep-alive                               |

HTTP Request Header Fields:

  • Method: The HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) indicating the desired action to be performed.
  • Request-URI: The URI of the resource being requested.
  • HTTP-Version: The version of HTTP being used (e.g., HTTP/1.1).
  • Host: The domain name of the server (required in HTTP/1.1).
  • User-Agent: Information about the client (browser type, version).
  • Accept: Types of content that the client can process (MIME types).
  • Accept-Language: Preferred languages for the response.
  • Accept-Encoding: Supported content encodings (e.g., gzip).
  • Connection: Options for the current connection (e.g., keep-alive).

2.2 HTTP Response Header Structure

HTTP Response Header Format:

HTTP-Version  Status-Code  Reason-Phrase
| HTTP/1.1           | 200                 | OK               |
| Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2021 07:28:00 GMT            |
| Server: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)                 |
| Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8         |
| Content-Length: 305                              |
| Connection: keep-alive                           |

HTTP Response Header Fields:

  • HTTP-Version: Indicates the HTTP version used for the response.
  • Status-Code: The status of the response (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found).
  • Reason-Phrase: A textual description of the status code.
  • Date: The date and time the response was generated.
  • Server: Information about the server software.
  • Content-Type: The MIME type of the response content.
  • Content-Length: The length of the response body in bytes.
  • Connection: Options for the current connection.

3. Other Important Protocols

3.1 DNS (Domain Name System)

Overview: DNS translates human-readable domain names (e.g., www.example.com (opens in a new tab)) into IP addresses, allowing users to access resources without remembering numerical addresses.

DNS Header Structure:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|              ID (16 bits)                |
|QR| Opcode | AA| TC| RD| RA| Z| RCODE (8 bits) |
|                Question Count (16 bits)                  

|               Answer Record Count (16 bits)                |
|              Authority Record Count (16 bits)               |
|              Additional Record Count (16 bits)              |

DNS Header Fields:

  • ID: A unique identifier for the DNS query.
  • QR: Query/Response flag (1 for response, 0 for query).
  • Opcode: Type of query (standard, inverse, or status).
  • AA: Authoritative Answer flag (1 if the responding server is authoritative).
  • TC: Truncation flag (1 if the message is truncated).
  • RD: Recursion Desired flag (1 if recursion is desired).
  • RA: Recursion Available flag (1 if recursion is available).
  • Z: Reserved for future use (must be zero).
  • RCODE: Response code (indicates success or failure).
  • Question Count: Number of questions in the query.
  • Answer Record Count: Number of answer records in the response.
  • Authority Record Count: Number of authority records in the response.
  • Additional Record Count: Number of additional records in the response.

4. OSI Model and Protocol Interactions

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework used to describe how data flows across a network. It divides network communication into seven layers, each with a specific function and set of protocols.

4.1 OSI Model Overview

  1. Layer 1: Physical Layer

    • Function: Deals with the physical transmission of raw data over the network. It defines hardware components like cables, switches, and network interface cards (NICs).
    • Protocols/Tech: Ethernet, DSL, Wi-Fi (802.11), Bluetooth.
    • Example: Converting digital data into electrical or optical signals for transmission.
  2. Layer 2: Data Link Layer

    • Function: Responsible for node-to-node data transfer and error detection/correction. This layer defines the protocol for establishing and terminating a connection between two physically connected devices.
    • Protocols: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), Frame Relay, MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), VLAN (802.1Q).
    • Example: MAC addressing ensures that frames are delivered to the correct device on a local network.
  3. Layer 3: Network Layer

    • Function: Handles logical addressing and routing. The network layer defines how data is forwarded between different networks using IP addresses.
    • Protocols: IP (Internet Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).
    • Example: A router forwards packets based on their destination IP addresses.
  4. Layer 4: Transport Layer

    • Function: Ensures complete data transfer between hosts and offers flow control, error control, and data segmentation.
    • Protocols: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol).
    • Example: TCP guarantees the delivery of all data segments between two systems.
  5. Layer 5: Session Layer

    • Function: Manages sessions or connections between applications. This layer controls the opening, closing, and managing of connections between local and remote applications.
    • Protocols: NetBIOS, RPC (Remote Procedure Call), PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol).
    • Example: Establishing a session between two devices for data exchange.
  6. Layer 6: Presentation Layer

    • Function: Translates data formats from application layer protocols into a format that can be understood by lower layers and vice versa. This layer handles encryption, decryption, data compression, and translation.
    • Protocols: SSL/TLS (for encryption), ASCII, JPEG, GIF, MPEG (for data formatting).
    • Example: Encrypting data with SSL before transmission.
  7. Layer 7: Application Layer

    • Function: Closest to the end user, this layer interfaces directly with the application software to provide communication services.
    • Protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS, DHCP, SMTP, SNMP.
    • Example: A web browser uses HTTP to request and display web pages.

4.2 TCP/IP Model vs. OSI Model

While the OSI model is conceptual and rarely implemented in its entirety, the TCP/IP model is more widely used in real-world applications and collapses the seven OSI layers into four:

  1. Link Layer (equivalent to OSI Layers 1 and 2): Includes technologies like Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
  2. Internet Layer (equivalent to OSI Layer 3): Primarily deals with IP addressing and routing.
  3. Transport Layer (equivalent to OSI Layer 4): Responsible for end-to-end communication (TCP, UDP).
  4. Application Layer (equivalent to OSI Layers 5, 6, and 7): Includes protocols like HTTP, DNS, and FTP.

5. In-Depth Protocol Explanations

5.1 BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

Overview: BGP is the core protocol used to route data between different autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet. It is crucial for inter-domain routing and ensuring that packets find the best path across the global network.

Key Features:

  • Path Vector Protocol: BGP uses a path vector algorithm, where each BGP router maintains a table of the best paths to different networks based on attributes like AS path, prefix length, and policies.
  • Autonomous Systems (AS): BGP works between autonomous systems, where each AS is a collection of networks under a single administrative domain.
  • eBGP vs. iBGP: eBGP (External BGP) is used to exchange routing information between different AS, while iBGP (Internal BGP) operates within the same AS.

BGP Header Structure:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|   Marker (16 bytes)             |    Length (16 bits)               |
|     Type (8 bits)      |    BGP Message (Variable length)          |
  • Marker (16 bytes): Used for security purposes and to distinguish BGP messages.
  • Length (16 bits): The total length of the BGP message in bytes.
  • Type (8 bits): Indicates the type of BGP message (OPEN, UPDATE, NOTIFICATION, KEEPALIVE).

Importance: BGP is essential for routing decisions on the Internet, managing prefixes, and ensuring redundant paths between large networks. Misconfigurations in BGP can lead to global outages.

5.2 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)

Overview: OSPF is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) used within an autonomous system. It uses a link-state routing algorithm, meaning routers share information about their local networks and compute the best paths based on the state of their links.

Key Features:

  • Link-State Advertisements (LSAs): OSPF routers exchange LSAs to share information about their neighbors and networks.
  • Areas: OSPF divides large networks into smaller areas to optimize routing and reduce overhead.
  • Cost Metric: OSPF uses a cost metric based on link bandwidth, where lower-cost paths are preferred.

OSPF Header Structure:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|    Version (8 bits)   |    Type (8 bits)          | Packet Length (16 bits)  |
|     Router ID (32 bits)               |
|  Area ID (32 bits)                     |  Checksum (16 bits)          |
|     Authentication Type (16 bits)      |     Authentication Data (64 bits)     |
  • Version (8 bits): The OSPF version (usually OSPFv2 for IPv4).
  • Type (8 bits): Type of OSPF packet (Hello, DBD, LSR, LSU, or LSAck).
  • Packet Length (16 bits): Total length of the OSPF packet in bytes.
  • Router ID (32 bits): Unique identifier for the OSPF router.
  • Area ID (32 bits): ID of the OSPF area.
  • Checksum (16 bits): Error-checking field for the header.
  • Authentication Type & Data: Security features to authenticate OSPF packets.

Importance: OSPF provides fast convergence, hierarchical network design, and scalability, making it ideal for large enterprise networks.

5.3 STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)

Overview: STP is used to prevent network loops in Ethernet-based networks. When multiple switches are interconnected, STP ensures a loop-free topology by selectively disabling some of the redundant paths.

Key Features:

  • Root Bridge: STP elects a root bridge (central switch) that is the reference point for path calculation.
  • BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Units): Switches exchange BPDUs to share information about their connections.
  • Port States: Ports can be in one of five states: Disabled, Blocking, Listening, Learning, or Forwarding.

STP Header Structure:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|    Protocol Identifier (16 bits)           |
| Protocol Version (8 bits) | BPDU Type (8 bits)   | Flags (8 bits

)  |
|  Root Bridge ID (64 bits)                                        |
|  Path Cost to Root (32 bits)                                 |
  • Protocol Identifier (16 bits): Identifies STP as the protocol in use.
  • BPDU Type (8 bits): Type of BPDU (Configuration BPDU, TCN BPDU).
  • Root Bridge ID (64 bits): ID of the root bridge, which consists of a priority and MAC address.
  • Path Cost to Root: The cost metric to reach the root bridge.

Importance: STP is critical for preventing loops, which can cause broadcast storms and bring down network performance.

5.4 ACLs (Access Control Lists)

Overview: ACLs are used to define rules that control the flow of traffic into and out of a network. They are commonly used in routers and firewalls to block or allow traffic based on source/destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols.

Key Features:

  • Standard ACLs: Filter traffic based on the source IP address.
  • Extended ACLs: Filter traffic based on source/destination IP, protocol, and port numbers.

Sample ACL Rule:

access-list 101 permit tcp any eq 80
  • access-list 101: The ACL ID (extended ACL in this case).
  • permit: The action (permit or deny).
  • tcp: The protocol to filter (TCP).
  • Source IP address and wildcard mask.
  • any: Destination IP (any address).
  • eq 80: Traffic destined to port 80 (HTTP).

Importance: ACLs are crucial for controlling traffic and enhancing network security by restricting access to specific network resources.

6. Conclusion: Protocol Mastery for Network Engineers

In this primer, we’ve covered the fundamental network protocols crucial for building a robust Python-driven network automation project. Understanding the nuances of BGP, OSPF, STP, and ACLs in addition to mastering the TCP/IP and OSI models is critical for a network engineer. This in-depth protocol knowledge will be essential as we move into the automation phase of this series, enabling the design of resilient, scalable, and efficient network architectures.

Why Use Azure OpenAI in Network Automation?

Network automation is a critical task in managing large-scale networks, ensuring consistency in configurations, scaling infrastructure, and reducing human errors. Traditional automation tools like Ansible, Netmiko, and NAPALM handle configuration management, device interaction, and monitoring. However, integrating AI-based decision-making and natural language processing through Azure OpenAI adds a new level of intelligence and flexibility to automation workflows.

Use Cases of Azure OpenAI in Network Automation:

  1. Dynamic Configuration Generation: Generate network configurations dynamically based on user inputs, device specifics, and network topologies.
  2. Network Troubleshooting Assistant: Use OpenAI to assist network administrators by providing troubleshooting steps or configuration fixes.
  3. Predictive Analytics: Leverage AI to forecast potential network outages or performance bottlenecks based on historical data.
  4. Documentation Automation: Automate the generation of network configuration documentation using natural language.
  5. Interactive Network Assistant: Integrate OpenAI into chatbots or command-line interfaces to respond to natural language queries and provide suggestions.

Azure OpenAI vs Other AI Services:

  • Customization: Azure OpenAI allows fine-tuning specific models for use cases in network automation, making it more adaptable than other AI services.
  • Security & Compliance: Azure OpenAI is built on Azure’s secure and compliant cloud infrastructure, meeting enterprise-level compliance needs.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: You only pay for the API usage, and with fine-tuning and optimization, you can manage costs efficiently.

Series Overview: What to Expect

In this series, you will:

  • Learn how to set up Azure OpenAI and integrate it with your existing network automation tools.
  • Get hands-on with Python, OpenAI’s API, and network-specific use cases like BGP configuration, device monitoring, and automated network troubleshooting.
  • Build complex network automation workflows powered by AI models.
  • Discover the best practices for cost management, security, and fine-tuning models for network tasks.

Part 2: Creating an Azure Subscription and Resource Group

In this part, we will set up your Azure Subscription and create a Resource Group to organize your resources, including the Azure OpenAI service.

Step 1: Azure Subscription

  1. What is an Azure Subscription? An Azure subscription is how you pay for Azure services and manage billing. You need an active subscription to use Azure OpenAI. If you don’t have one, Azure offers a free tier where you get $200 in credit for the first 30 days.

  2. Create a Free Azure Account (if needed):

Step 2: Azure Resource Group

  1. What is a Resource Group? A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. You can group all your OpenAI and network automation-related services in a single resource group, making it easier to manage and organize.

  2. Create a Resource Group using Azure Portal:

    • Open the Azure Portal (opens in a new tab).
    • On the left menu, click Resource groups.
    • Click + Create at the top.
    • Fill out the form:
      • Subscription: Select your subscription.
      • Resource Group: Name your resource group (e.g., network-automation-rg).
      • Region: Select a region close to your location or where Azure OpenAI is available (e.g., East US).
    • Click Review + Create, then click Create.

    Explanation: The Resource Group is like a folder that holds all your Azure resources, making it easy to manage and monitor costs across different services under one group.

  3. Create a Resource Group using Azure CLI: You can also use the Azure CLI to create a resource group from your terminal. Here’s the command:

    az group create --name network-automation-rg --location eastus


    • az group create: This is the Azure CLI command to create a new resource group.
    • --name: This flag specifies the name of the resource group (e.g., network-automation-rg).
    • --location: This flag sets the geographical region where the resources will be deployed (e.g., eastus for East US).

Part 3: Deploying Azure OpenAI Service

Now that the resource group is set up, it’s time to deploy the Azure OpenAI service within that resource group.

Step 1: Deploy Azure OpenAI using Azure Portal

  1. Go to the Azure Portal (opens in a new tab).
  2. In the search bar at the top, search for Azure OpenAI and select it.
  3. Click + Create.
  4. Fill out the form:
    • Subscription: Select the subscription.
    • Resource Group: Choose the resource group you created earlier (network-automation-rg).
    • Region: Select a region where Azure OpenAI is supported (e.g., East US).
    • Name: Provide a unique name for the service (e.g., network-openai-service).
  5. Click Review + Create, then click Create.

Explanation: This process sets up the Azure OpenAI service within the chosen resource group and region, allowing you to access OpenAI models using APIs.

Step 2: Deploy Azure OpenAI using Azure CLI

If you prefer the command line, you can use Azure CLI to deploy the service:

  1. First, ensure you are logged in to Azure CLI:

    az login


    • az login: This command authenticates you with Azure. You will be prompted to open a browser and log in with your Azure account credentials.
  2. Now, deploy the OpenAI service:

    az cognitiveservices account create \
    --name network-openai-service \
    --resource-group network-automation-rg \
    --kind OpenAI \
    --sku S0 \
    --location eastus \


    • az cognitiveservices account create: This creates a new cognitive service (OpenAI is part of Azure Cognitive Services).
    • --name: This specifies the unique name for the OpenAI service (e.g., network-openai-service).
    • --resource-group: Specifies the resource group where the service will reside (network-automation-rg).
    • --kind: The type of cognitive service to create, which in this case is OpenAI.
    • --sku: The pricing tier for the service (e.g., S0 is the standard pricing tier).
    • --location: The region where the service will be deployed (eastus).
    • --yes: Confirms the action without an additional prompt.

Project Directory Setup

Once we are ready to start the Python project in a future part of the series, your project directory should be structured like this for good organization:


├── src/                    # Source code files
   ├── automation.py        # Main Python script for automation
   ├── config/              # Configuration files
   └── utils/               # Utility modules for common functions

├── tests/                  # Unit tests for your Python scripts
   └── test_automation.py   # Test cases for automation scripts

├── docs/                   # Documentation for your project
   └── usage_guide.md       # User guide for setup and usage

├── .env                    # Environment variables (contains API keys)
├── requirements.txt        # Python package requirements
├── README.md               # Project overview and instructions
└── LICENSE                 # License for your project


  • src/: Contains your Python source code, organized with a main script and possibly configuration and utility modules.
  • tests/: Contains unit tests to ensure your automation scripts work as expected.
  • docs/: Stores documentation files to guide users on how to use the project.
  • .env: Keeps sensitive information like API keys in an environment variables file, ensuring they aren’t hardcoded.
  • requirements.txt: Lists the Python dependencies your project requires, making it easier to install them with pip.
  • README.md: Provides an overview of the project, installation instructions, and usage notes.
  • LICENSE: Specifies the legal terms under which your project is distributed.

Part 4: Understanding Azure OpenAI Pricing and Models

This section provides an overview of the quotas and limits associated with the Azure OpenAI service, including detailed tables for quick reference.

Quotas and Limits Overview

Limit NameLimit Value
OpenAI resources per region per Azure subscription30
Default DALL-E 2 quota limits2 concurrent requests
Default DALL-E 3 quota limits2 capacity units (6 requests per minute)
Default Whisper quota limits3 requests per minute
Maximum prompt tokens per requestVaries per model
Max Standard deployments per resource32
Max fine-tuned model deployments5
Total number of training jobs per resource100
Max simultaneous running training jobs per resource1
Max training jobs queued20
Max Files per resource (fine-tuning)50
Total size of all files per resource (fine-tuning)1 GB
Max training job time720 hours
Max training job size2 Billion tokens
Max size of all files per upload16 MB
Max number of inputs in array with /embeddings2048
Max number of /chat/completions messages2048
Max number of /chat/completions functions128
Max number of /chat completions tools128
Maximum number of Provisioned throughput units100,000
Max files per Assistant/thread10,000 (API/AI Studio), 20 (Azure OpenAI Studio)
Max file size for Assistants & fine-tuning512 MB
Max size for all uploaded files for Assistants100 GB
Assistants token limit2,000,000 tokens
GPT-4o max images per request10
GPT-4 vision-preview & GPT-4 turbo default max tokens16
Max number of custom headers in API requests10

Regional Quota Limits

australiaeast40 K80 K80 K30 K--300 K-
brazilsouth------30 M-
canadaeast40 K80 K80 K---300 K-
eastus--80 K-1 M2 M240 K240 K
eastus2--80 K-1 M2 M300 K-
francecentral20 K60 K80 K---240 K-
japaneast---30 K--300 K-
northcentralus--80 K-1 M2 M300 K-
uksouth--80 K---240 K-
westeurope------240 K-
westus--80 K30 K1 M2 M300 K-

Global Batch Limits

Limit NameLimit Value
Max files per resource500
Max input file size200 MB
Max requests per file100,000

Global Batch Quota

ModelEnterprise AgreementDefaultMonthly Credit CardMSDN SubscriptionsAzure for Students/Free Trials
gpt-4o5 B50 M1.35 M90 KN/A
gpt-4o-mini5 B50 M1.35 M90 KN/A
gpt-4-turbo300 M40 M1.35 M90 KN/A
gpt-4150 M5 M200 K100 KN/A
gpt-35-turbo10 B100 M5 M2 M50 K

4. Managing Costs and Quotas

To avoid exceeding your budget, follow these best practices:

  1. Use Token Limits: When making requests, limit the number of tokens you allow in the response. This keeps costs predictable.

    response = openai.Completion.create(
        max_tokens=150  # Set the max tokens limit to avoid excessive responses


    • max_tokens: This parameter limits how long the response will be. For example, 150 tokens would give you a response of about 100-120 words.
  2. Monitor API Usage:
    Azure provides detailed usage reports in the portal. Set up alerts in the Cost Management section to notify you when you reach a specific usage threshold.

  3. Set Quotas:
    Use the Azure portal to set quota limits for API requests, ensuring you don’t go beyond a specified token or API call limit.

  4. Fine-Tuning Models:
    If you have a specific network environment (e.g., your own custom configurations, policies), fine-tuning a model could optimize your costs. Fine-tuned models can be more efficient than using pre-trained general models.

    Fine-tuning is the process of training a model on your specific data, making it better at handling your requests. Although fine-tuning has an initial cost, it may save tokens in the long run by producing more accurate and concise results.

5. Understanding OpenAI Models (GPT, Codex, etc.)

Azure OpenAI supports different models, each tailored to various tasks:

  1. GPT-3 Models:

    • Davinci: Best for complex and nuanced tasks. It has the highest capability to understand context.
    • Curie: Less capable than Davinci, but faster and cheaper. Good for moderate tasks.
    • Babbage & Ada: These are used for simple, fast tasks and are very cost-effective for basic operations.
  2. Codex Models (If available in Azure):

    • Codex is specifically designed for coding-related tasks, such as writing Python scripts to automate network configurations. This model can also help generate scripts or commands that interact with devices.

    Example Use Case: Use Codex to generate an Ansible playbook or Netmiko Python script based on a natural language request.

    Example Codex Prompt:

    Write a Python script using Netmiko to connect to a Cisco router and retrieve the running configuration.

    Codex Response (Example):

    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    cisco_router = {
        'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
        'host': '',
        'username': 'admin',
        'password': 'password',
    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**cisco_router)
    output = net_connect.send_command('show running-config')

6. Cost Optimization Strategies

  • Testing in Small Batches: Always test with smaller token limits first to get a feel for the response.
  • Use Lower-Priced Models: Start with cheaper models like Curie and move to Davinci only if necessary.
  • Use Max Tokens Efficiently: Don’t request more tokens than you need; tailor your prompts to get concise responses.

7. Example of Pricing Management Setup in Azure

  1. Set a Budget Alert:

    • In the Azure Portal, go to Cost Management + Billing.
    • Click on Budgets and create a new budget (e.g., $50 monthly limit).
    • Set an alert at 75% of your budget to notify you before reaching the limit.
  2. Enable Usage Analytics:

    • Under your Azure OpenAI Resource, go to Metrics.
    • Add API Requests, Token Count, and other relevant metrics to monitor real-time usage.

Project Tip: Starting Your Python Project

Before we dive into coding, ensure that your project directory is set up as discussed earlier. Here’s a recap of what it should look like:


├── src/                    # Source code files
   ├── automation.py        # Main Python script for automation
   ├── config/              # Configuration files
   └── utils/               # Utility modules for common functions

├── tests/                  # Unit tests for your Python scripts
   └── test_automation.py   # Test cases for automation scripts

├── docs/                   # Documentation for your project
   └── usage_guide.md       # User guide for setup and usage

├── .env                    # Environment variables (contains API keys)
├── requirements.txt        # Python package requirements
├── README.md               # Project overview and instructions
└── LICENSE                 # License for your project

This will keep your code organized and easy to maintain as you expand the project. In the next part, we’ll start setting up your Python environment and install the required libraries.

Part 5: Setting Up Azure CLI and Managing OpenAI Resources

The Azure CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage Azure resources from your terminal. It’s essential for automating the deployment and management of services like Azure OpenAI, especially when building network automation workflows.

In this part, we’ll set up the Azure CLI, configure it for managing OpenAI resources, and go through the essential commands.

1. Installing Azure CLI

Step 1: Install Azure CLI The Azure CLI can be installed on various platforms. Here are the steps for different operating systems:

  • Windows: Download the installer from Azure CLI Download (opens in a new tab). Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

  • macOS: Open a terminal and run:

    brew install azure-cli

    Explanation: This command uses Homebrew (a package manager for macOS) to install the Azure CLI.

  • Linux: Use the following command in your terminal:

    curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | sudo bash

    Explanation: This command downloads the Azure CLI installation script for Linux and runs it with sudo to install system-wide.

Step 2: Verify Installation

After installation, verify that the Azure CLI is set up correctly by running:

az --version

You should see the version number of the Azure CLI and the versions of related components (like Python and libraries).

2. Logging in to Azure CLI

Step 1: Login Command

To start using the Azure CLI, you need to authenticate with your Azure account. Use the following command:

az login


  • az login: Opens a browser window where you can log in to your Azure account. After logging in, your terminal will show a success message and list your Azure subscriptions.

Step 2: Verify Subscription

If you have multiple subscriptions, you can list them using:

az account list --output table


  • az account list: Retrieves all subscriptions associated with your Azure account.
  • --output table: Formats the output into a table, making it easier to read.

If you have multiple subscriptions, you can set the active subscription by running:

az account set --subscription "Your-Subscription-ID"


  • --subscription: Specifies the subscription you want to set as the default. Replace "Your-Subscription-ID" with the actual subscription ID you retrieved from the az account list command.

3. Creating, Viewing, and Deleting Resources with Azure CLI

Azure CLI allows you to create, manage, and delete resources programmatically, which is extremely useful for automating tasks.

Step 1: Create a Resource Group

We already created a resource group in Part 2. Here’s a quick recap of how to create one using Azure CLI:

az group create --name network-automation-rg --location eastus


  • az group create: Command to create a new resource group.
  • --name: Specifies the name of the resource group (in this case, network-automation-rg).
  • --location: Sets the region where the resource group will be deployed (eastus stands for East US).

Step 2: Viewing Existing Resource Groups

To view all resource groups in your subscription, use the following command:

az group list --output table


  • az group list: Retrieves a list of all resource groups in your current subscription.
  • --output table: Formats the output as a table.

Step 3: Deleting a Resource Group

To delete a resource group (be cautious, this will delete all resources within the group), use:

az group delete --name network-automation-rg --yes --no-wait


  • az group delete: Command to delete the specified resource group.
  • --name: Specifies the name of the resource group to delete.
  • --yes: Automatically confirms the action without prompting.
  • --no-wait: Returns immediately without waiting for the deletion to complete.

4. Managing Azure OpenAI Service with CLI

Now that we know how to manage basic Azure resources, let’s move on to managing the Azure OpenAI service.

Step 1: Create Azure OpenAI Service

Here’s a command to create an OpenAI service under the resource group:

az cognitiveservices account create \
   --name network-openai-service \
   --resource-group network-automation-rg \
   --kind OpenAI \
   --sku S0 \
   --location eastus \


  • az cognitiveservices account create: Command to create a new Azure Cognitive Service, which includes OpenAI.
  • --name: Specifies the name of the service (network-openai-service).
  • --resource-group: Specifies the resource group where the service will be placed (network-automation-rg).
  • --kind OpenAI: Sets the type of cognitive service to OpenAI.
  • --sku S0: The pricing tier (in this case, the standard S0 tier).
  • --location: Specifies the region (eastus for East US).
  • --yes: Confirms the action without prompting.

Step 2: Viewing OpenAI Services

To view all OpenAI services under a resource group, use the following command:

az cognitiveservices account list --resource-group network-automation-rg --output table


  • az cognitiveservices account list: Retrieves all cognitive services (including OpenAI) in a specified resource group.
  • --resource-group: Specifies the resource group you want to query.
  • --output table: Formats the output into a table for easy viewing.

Step 3: Viewing API Keys

Once the OpenAI service is created, you’ll need the API keys to interact with the service. To retrieve the keys, use:

az cognitiveservices account keys list --name network-openai-service --resource-group network-automation-rg --output table


  • az cognitiveservices account keys list: Command to list the API keys for the OpenAI service.
  • --name: Specifies the OpenAI service for which you want to retrieve the keys.
  • --resource-group: Specifies the resource group where the service is located.
  • --output table: Outputs the result in a readable table format.

Step 4: Deleting OpenAI Services

To delete an OpenAI service, run the following command:

az cognitiveservices account delete --name network-openai-service --resource-group network-automation-rg


  • az cognitiveservices account delete: Deletes the specified Azure OpenAI service.
  • --name: Specifies the OpenAI service to delete.
  • --resource-group: Specifies the resource group containing the service.

5. Managing Costs and Monitoring Usage via Azure CLI

Azure CLI can also help you monitor your service usage and manage costs efficiently.

Step 1: Viewing Usage Metrics

You can view the usage of your OpenAI service (e.g., number of API requests or tokens consumed) with Azure Metrics:

az monitor metrics list \
  --resource /subscriptions/your-subscription-id/resourceGroups/network-automation-rg/providers/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/network-openai-service \
  --metric "TotalTokens"


  • az monitor metrics list: Command to list metrics for a given resource.
  • --resource: Specifies the full resource ID of the OpenAI service.
  • --metric: The specific metric to retrieve (in this case, TotalTokens).

You can monitor other metrics such as API Requests or Latency using similar commands.

Step 2: Creating Cost Alerts

Set up cost alerts to stay within your budget:

az monitor metrics alert create \
   --name "CostAlert" \
   --resource-group network-automation-rg \
   --scopes /subscriptions/your-subscription-id/resourceGroups/network-automation-rg \
   --condition "totalCost > 50" \
   --description "Alert if cost exceeds $50"


  • az monitor metrics alert create: Command to create a new alert for cost monitoring.
  • --name: Specifies the name of the alert (CostAlert).
  • --scopes: Defines the scope of resources to monitor (e.g., the resource group).
  • --condition: Sets the alert condition (in this case, when total cost exceeds $50).

Part 6: Setting Up Python Environment for Azure OpenAI

In this section, we’ll cover:

  • Installing Python and managing versions.
  • Setting up a virtual environment to isolate your project dependencies.
  • Installing and configuring essential Python libraries like openai.
  • Securing your Azure OpenAI API keys with environment variables.
  • Writing your first Python script to test the Azure OpenAI API.

1. Installing Python

Before we get started, ensure you have Python installed on your machine. We’ll use Python 3.8 or higher to ensure compatibility with all the latest libraries.

Step 1: Check if Python is Installed

First, open your terminal and check if Python is installed by running:

python3 --version

If you get a version number (e.g., Python 3.8.10), you’re good to go. If not, follow the instructions below for your operating system.

Step 2: Installing Python
  • Windows:

    1. Go to the Python downloads page (opens in a new tab).
    2. Download the latest Python 3.x installer.
    3. During installation, make sure to check the box that says "Add Python to PATH".
  • macOS: If you're on macOS, Python 2.x is pre-installed, but we need Python 3. To install it:

    brew install python


    • brew install python: This installs the latest version of Python 3 using Homebrew.
  • Linux: On Linux, Python 3 should already be installed, but to ensure it’s up to date, you can run:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3
Step 3: Install pip

pip is the Python package manager that you will use to install required libraries.

Verify pip is installed by running:

pip3 --version

If it’s not installed, you can install it using:

python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

2. Creating and Managing Virtual Environments

For any Python project, it’s best practice to use virtual environments. A virtual environment isolates your project dependencies, so you don’t have conflicts with global packages or libraries from other projects.

Step 1: Install virtualenv

To create virtual environments, install virtualenv:

pip3 install virtualenv


  • pip3 install virtualenv: Installs the virtualenv package, which allows you to create isolated environments for your projects.
Step 2: Create a Virtual Environment for Your Project

Let’s create a virtual environment inside the project directory we structured earlier.

Navigate to your project folder:

cd network-automation-openai

Then, create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv


  • python3 -m venv venv: Creates a virtual environment named venv inside your project directory.
Step 3: Activating the Virtual Environment

To activate the virtual environment:

  • Windows:

  • macOS/Linux:

    source venv/bin/activate

Once the virtual environment is activated, your terminal prompt will change to show (venv) in front of it. This indicates you’re now working inside the virtual environment.

Step 4: Deactivating the Virtual Environment

To exit the virtual environment, simply run:


3. Installing Required Libraries

Now that your virtual environment is active, it’s time to install the libraries required to interact with the Azure OpenAI API.

Step 1: Installing the OpenAI Python Library

The openai Python package is required to send requests to Azure’s OpenAI service.

Install it using pip:

pip install openai


  • pip install openai: Installs the OpenAI Python library, which includes the necessary tools to interact with the GPT models from Azure OpenAI.
Step 2: Installing Other Essential Libraries

We’ll also need a few additional libraries:

  • Requests: For making HTTP requests (though the openai library handles most of this, it’s good to have).
  • python-dotenv: For managing environment variables, especially your API keys.

Install them as follows:

pip install requests python-dotenv


  • requests: This is a popular HTTP library for Python. It simplifies making HTTP requests to external APIs.
  • python-dotenv: This library allows you to load environment variables from a .env file, which is critical for securely managing API keys and secrets.
Step 3: Freezing Dependencies

To keep track of your project’s dependencies, create a requirements.txt file. This file lists all the libraries installed in your environment.

Generate it using:

pip freeze > requirements.txt


  • pip freeze: Lists all the installed packages in the current environment.
  • > requirements.txt: Redirects the output to a file named requirements.txt.

Now, whenever you (or anyone else) need to set up this project on another machine, they can install the required packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Securing Azure OpenAI API Keys

It’s crucial to handle your API keys securely. Instead of hardcoding them into your scripts, you should use environment variables stored in a .env file.

Step 1: Creating a .env File

Inside your project directory, create a file named .env. This file will store your Azure OpenAI API keys and any other sensitive information.

Open the .env file and add your API key:



  • OPENAI_API_KEY: This is the environment variable where we’ll store the API key. Replace your-api-key-here with the actual API key from Azure.

Make sure the .env file is added to your .gitignore to avoid committing sensitive information to version control.

echo ".env" >> .gitignore
Step 2: Loading the API Key in Your Python Script

To access the API key in your Python scripts, you’ll use the python-dotenv library to load the variables from the .env file.

Here’s how you would structure this in Python:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import openai
# Load environment variables from the .env file
# Access the API key
api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
# Set the OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = api_key


  • load_dotenv(): This loads the environment variables from the .env file into your Python environment.
  • os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'): Retrieves the API key from the environment variable.
  • openai.api_key = api_key: This sets the API key in the OpenAI library, allowing you to authenticate your requests.

5. Writing Your First Python Script to Test Azure OpenAI

Now that your environment is set up, let’s write a simple script to test the Azure OpenAI API by sending a basic prompt and receiving a response.

Create a new file in your project’s src/ directory called openai_test.py and add the following code:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import openai
# Load environment variables from .env file
# Get API key from environment variable
api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')
openai.api_key = api_key
# Define a simple prompt
prompt = "Explain BGP configuration in simple terms."
# Make a request to OpenAI API
response = openai.Completion.create(
    engine="text-davinci-003",  # You can also use other models like 'curie', 'babbage', or 'ada'
    max_tokens=100  # Set the response length limit
# Print the response
Explanation of the Commands:
  1. load_dotenv(): Loads the environment variables from your .env file, including the API key.

  2. openai.Completion.create(): This is the primary function to interact with the GPT models. It generates a completion (response) based on your prompt.

    • engine="text-davinci-003": Specifies the model you want to use. Davinci is the most powerful, but you can try other models for cost and speed optimization.
    • prompt: The text prompt you’re sending to OpenAI.
    • max_tokens=100: Limits the length of the response to 100

tokens (about 75 words).

  1. response.choices[0].text.strip(): Extracts the generated text from the response object and removes any leading or trailing spaces.

6. Running the Script

To test your setup, run the script in your terminal:

python src/openai_test.py

You should see the output of the GPT model’s response based on your prompt. If everything is configured correctly, the script will run smoothly and provide a meaningful response from the Azure OpenAI API.

Part 7: Automating Advanced Network Configuration with Python and Azure OpenAI

In this part, we will focus on automating configurations for:

  • IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols like OSPF and EIGRP).
  • STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) for Layer 2 network redundancy.
  • ACLs (Access Control Lists) for traffic filtering and security.
  • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) for routing between different autonomous systems.

We'll also cover:

  • Structuring prompts effectively for these various protocols.
  • Parsing OpenAI responses for different network configurations.
  • Automating the configuration process using Python.
  • Saving, applying, and troubleshooting configurations.

1. Crafting Prompts for Complex Network Tasks

For effective network automation with Azure OpenAI, it’s important to provide detailed and clear prompts. The more specific the details you include, the better the configuration generated by the model will be.

We’ll break down prompts for different types of network configurations, focusing on IGPs (OSPF, EIGRP), STP, ACLs, and BGP.

1.1 IGPs: OSPF and EIGRP Prompts
OSPF Configuration

Let’s start by generating a basic OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) configuration. OSPF is widely used in enterprise networks for intra-domain routing.

Here’s a well-structured prompt for configuring OSPF:

prompt = """You are a network engineer. Generate an OSPF configuration for a Cisco router 
with the following details:
- Router ID:
- Area 0: Network
- Area 1: Network
- OSPF process ID: 1
- Enable authentication in Area 0 with MD5"""


  • Router ID: This is the OSPF router ID, typically an IP address used to identify the router in the OSPF domain.
  • Area 0 and Area 1: OSPF divides networks into areas, with Area 0 being the backbone.
  • MD5 Authentication: For secure routing updates, we enable authentication in Area 0.
EIGRP Configuration

Now, let’s generate a basic EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) configuration:

prompt = """You are a network engineer. Generate an EIGRP configuration for a Cisco router 
with the following details:
- Router ID:
- Autonomous System (AS) Number: 100
- Network to advertise: and
- Enable EIGRP authentication using MD5"""


  • AS Number: EIGRP requires an autonomous system number, which distinguishes different routing domains.
  • MD5 Authentication: EIGRP supports authentication to secure routing updates, much like OSPF.
1.2 STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) Prompt

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is essential for preventing loops in Layer 2 networks. A typical STP configuration for a Cisco switch might look like this:

prompt = """You are a network engineer. Configure Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for a Cisco switch 
with the following details:
- Enable RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol)
- Set the priority for VLAN 10 to 2000 (Root Bridge)
- Set the priority for VLAN 2000 to 4096 (Backup Root Bridge)
- Enable BPDU Guard on all access ports"""


  • RSTP: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol is a faster version of STP.
  • Root Bridge: Setting a priority ensures that this switch becomes the root bridge for VLAN 10.
  • BPDU Guard: This feature protects access ports from receiving Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDU) to avoid accidental reconfiguration of the STP topology.
1.3 ACL (Access Control Lists) Prompt

Access Control Lists (ACLs) are used to filter network traffic and enforce security policies. Here’s a prompt to create an ACL that permits HTTP traffic and blocks all others:

prompt = """You are a network engineer. Generate an ACL for a Cisco router 
with the following details:
- Permit HTTP traffic (TCP port 80) from any source to destination
- Deny all other traffic"""


  • Permit HTTP Traffic: This line allows HTTP traffic to flow to the specified destination network.
  • Deny All Traffic: This is a default policy to block everything else.
1.4 BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) Prompt

For BGP, which is used to route between different autonomous systems, the prompt is slightly more complex:

prompt = """You are a network engineer. Generate a BGP configuration for a Cisco router 
with the following details:
- Router ID:
- Local AS: 65001
- Neighbor IP:
- Neighbor AS: 65002
- Network to advertise:
- Enable MD5 authentication with neighbor"""


  • Local AS: Your autonomous system number for internal routing.
  • Neighbor AS: The autonomous system of your peer router.
  • MD5 Authentication: Enhances security between BGP neighbors.

2. Parsing OpenAI Responses

Once you receive the responses from the OpenAI API for each of these prompts, the configurations will be returned as plain text. The next step is parsing these configurations and applying them to network devices using Python.

2.1 Example: Parsing an OSPF Configuration

Here’s how the API response might look for the OSPF prompt:

router ospf 1
 network area 0
 network area 1
 area 0 authentication message-digest

To extract this configuration, you simply need to access the response object and clean up any extra text, like so:

# Extract the generated OSPF configuration
ospf_config = response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Print the OSPF configuration
print("Generated OSPF Configuration:\n")
2.2 Parsing Configurations for Other Protocols

For other protocols like STP, ACLs, or BGP, the process is the same. You can structure a similar parsing mechanism to extract the necessary commands.

3. Automating the Application of Network Configurations

Once the configuration is generated, the next step is automating its application on network devices. We’ll use Netmiko to do this, a powerful library that simplifies interacting with network devices over SSH.

3.1 Applying OSPF Configuration

Let’s automate applying an OSPF configuration to a Cisco router. First, install Netmiko if you haven’t already:

pip install netmiko

Now, modify the Python script to apply the OSPF configuration using Netmiko:

from netmiko import ConnectHandler
# Define device details
device = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
    'host': '',
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': 'password',
# Connect to the device
net_connect = ConnectHandler(**device)
# Apply OSPF configuration
output = net_connect.send_config_set(ospf_config.splitlines())
# Print the output from the device
# Disconnect from the device


  • send_config_set(): This method sends the OSPF configuration commands to the device. The .splitlines() method splits the multi-line configuration into individual commands that can be executed on the router.
  • ConnectHandler: Handles the SSH connection to the device.
3.2 Automating BGP Configuration

Let’s apply a BGP configuration similarly:

# Apply BGP configuration
output = net_connect.send_config_set(bgp_config.splitlines())
# Print the output

The method is identical for BGP and other protocol configurations.

4. Saving Configurations to Files

In addition to applying configurations, it’s good practice to save them to a file for documentation or auditing purposes. You can save any configuration generated by OpenAI like this:

# Save the generated configuration to a text file
with open("ospf_configuration.txt", "w") as file:
print("OSPF configuration saved to ospf_configuration.txt.")

Repeat this for ACLs, STP, BGP, or any other configurations you generate.

**5. Troubleshooting and Recommendations

Using OpenAI**

OpenAI can also help in troubleshooting network issues by generating recommended troubleshooting steps based on network symptoms.

Example: Troubleshooting a BGP Issue

Let’s ask OpenAI for troubleshooting steps for a BGP peering issue:

troubleshoot_prompt = """You are a network engineer. I am experiencing issues with BGP peering 
between my router ( and neighbor ( The BGP session is down. 
Provide troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue."""

Once you receive the response, you can apply the recommended steps or use them to guide further analysis.

Part 8: Monitoring, Logging, and Optimizing Automated Network Tasks with Python and Azure OpenAI

As we dive into the advanced topics of network monitoring, logging, and dynamic optimizations, we will cover:

  • Setting up logging to track automation processes and network changes.
  • Real-time network monitoring using Python libraries.
  • Integrating AI for predictive analytics and proactive network management.
  • Optimizing network configurations dynamically based on performance data.

1. The Importance of Monitoring and Logging in Network Automation

In a network automation environment, logging and monitoring are critical for:

  • Ensuring that the automation scripts run smoothly and as intended.
  • Tracking and auditing configuration changes made to network devices.
  • Alerting the network team to potential issues before they escalate.
  • Collecting data for AI-driven network optimizations, such as predicting traffic bottlenecks or identifying misconfigurations.

By the end of this part, you will have implemented real-time logging and monitoring systems integrated with AI to dynamically adjust network configurations based on the observed network behavior.

2. Setting Up Logging in Python for Network Automation

Let’s start by setting up a robust logging framework in Python to track the progress and outcomes of each automation task, such as applying ACLs, BGP, OSPF configurations, or monitoring STP status.

2.1 Using Python’s logging Library

The logging module in Python is essential for capturing detailed logs of your network automation processes. Here’s how to configure it for network automation:

import logging
# Configure logging
                    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# Example log messages
logging.info('Starting network automation task: Applying OSPF configuration.')
logging.info('Connecting to router at')


  • filename: This specifies where the log file will be saved (network_automation.log).
  • level=logging.INFO: We set the logging level to INFO so that general task information is captured. You could set it to DEBUG for even more granular logs.
  • format: This defines how the log messages are formatted. The %(asctime)s captures the timestamp, %(levelname)s logs the severity (INFO, DEBUG, ERROR), and %(message)s is the actual log message.
2.2 Logging Script Outputs

Now, let’s modify the existing network automation scripts (like the ones from Part 7) to incorporate logging at each stage of the process. For example, here’s how you can log OSPF configuration changes:

# Logging before applying configuration
logging.info('Applying OSPF configuration to the router.')
# Applying the OSPF configuration to the router
output = net_connect.send_config_set(ospf_config.splitlines())
logging.info('OSPF configuration applied successfully.')
logging.debug(f"Device output: {output}")


  • logging.debug(): This captures more detailed device output, which can be useful for debugging if an issue arises during the configuration process.
2.3 Error Handling and Logging

In a production environment, you’ll want to log any exceptions or errors that occur during network automation. For this, we can extend the logging with exception handling:

    logging.info('Connecting to device...')
    net_connect = ConnectHandler(**device)
    logging.info('Connection established.')
    # Applying configuration
    output = net_connect.send_config_set(ospf_config.splitlines())
    logging.info('Configuration applied successfully.')
except Exception as e:
    logging.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")

3. Real-Time Network Monitoring with Python

Now, let’s extend our automation framework to include real-time monitoring of network devices. Python provides powerful libraries that can interface with devices and retrieve network statistics to detect anomalies, performance issues, or security threats.

3.1 Monitoring Network Devices with SNMP

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is commonly used for monitoring network devices. With Python’s pysnmp library, we can query devices for metrics like interface status, CPU utilization, or link errors.

Install pysnmp first:

pip install pysnmp

Here’s an example of monitoring the status of a network interface using SNMP:

from pysnmp.hlapi import *
# SNMP query to monitor the status of an interface (OID: for ifOperStatus)
def get_snmp_data(host, community, oid):
    iterator = getCmd(SnmpEngine(),
                      UdpTransportTarget((host, 161)),
    errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(iterator)
    if errorIndication:
        logging.error(f"SNMP error: {errorIndication}")
    elif errorStatus:
        logging.error(f"SNMP error: {errorStatus.prettyPrint()}")
        for varBind in varBinds:
            logging.info(f"SNMP result: {varBind}")
            return varBind.prettyPrint()
# Monitor interface status
host = ''
community = 'public'
oid = ''  # OID for the status of the first interface
interface_status = get_snmp_data(host, community, oid)
print(f"Interface Status: {interface_status}")
logging.info(f"Interface Status: {interface_status}")


  • OID (Object Identifier): This uniquely identifies SNMP variables. The OID refers to ifOperStatus, which indicates whether an interface is up (1) or down (2).
  • SNMP Community: A simple authentication string that defines read/write access for SNMP devices. public is the default read-only community.
3.2 Monitoring Network Performance with Python and AI

You can go further and collect network performance metrics, such as bandwidth utilization, packet drops, and latency, using SNMP and then feed this data into an AI model to predict potential issues.

We’ll start by collecting bandwidth utilization data from the router and processing it with Python:

# OID for interface input octets (ifInOctets)
oid_in = ''  # First interface
in_octets = get_snmp_data(host, community, oid_in)
# OID for interface output octets (ifOutOctets)
oid_out = ''
out_octets = get_snmp_data(host, community, oid_out)
# Log bandwidth statistics
logging.info(f"Input Octets: {in_octets}")
logging.info(f"Output Octets: {out_octets}")


  • ifInOctets: Represents the total number of octets (bytes) received on a network interface.
  • ifOutOctets: Represents the total number of octets transmitted.

Once you have this data, you can store it in a time series database (like Prometheus or InfluxDB) for visualization, or even pass it into a machine learning model for predictive analytics.

4. AI-Based Network Optimization and Predictive Analytics

By leveraging Azure OpenAI alongside real-time monitoring data, you can proactively make network adjustments based on predicted network behavior. This is where AI really starts to shine in network automation—using predictive models to identify potential network bottlenecks, failed links, or misconfigurations.

4.1 Predicting Network Bottlenecks with AI

Here’s an example of how you can use real-time traffic data to predict bottlenecks. By feeding network statistics like bandwidth utilization and packet drops into an AI model, you can anticipate when a link might become saturated:

# Example prompt to predict network issues based on collected data
predict_prompt = """You are a network AI expert. Based on the following traffic statistics:
- Input Octets: 10000000
- Output Octets: 20000000
- Packet drops: 100
Predict whether the link will experience congestion or bottlenecks within the next hour."""

Using Azure OpenAI:

response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and print AI's prediction
prediction = response.choices[0].text.strip()
print(f"Network AI Prediction: {prediction}")
logging.info(f"Network AI Prediction: {prediction}")
4.2 Dynamic Configuration Adjustments Based on AI Insights

With predictions in hand, you can use AI to recommend or automatically apply network configuration changes. For example, if the AI detects potential congestion on

a certain link, it can suggest or automatically adjust OSPF costs or BGP path selection to route traffic through an alternate, less congested path.

5. Visualizing Network Data with Python

In addition to AI-based optimizations, you can visualize the real-time performance of your network. Libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly make it easy to create network performance graphs. For example, you can graph bandwidth utilization over time:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Sample data for input and output octets over time
times = ['10:00', '10:05', '10:10', '10:15']
input_octets = [100000, 150000, 200000, 250000]
output_octets = [80000, 120000, 180000, 220000]
# Plot the data
plt.plot(times, input_octets, label='Input Octets')
plt.plot(times, output_octets, label='Output Octets')
plt.title('Network Bandwidth Utilization Over Time')

This gives you a clear picture of traffic patterns and potential issues.

Thank you! Let’s dive even deeper into the next part of the series, where we’ll integrate cloud-based services to monitor, analyze, and visualize network performance at scale. In Part 9, we’ll explore how to set up cloud-native monitoring systems like Azure Monitor and visualize network data with Grafana, providing real-time insights into network behavior and AI-driven optimizations.

Part 9: Integrating Cloud Services with Python for Comprehensive Network Monitoring

In this part, we will:

  • Set up Azure Monitor for tracking network performance and automation tasks.
  • Use Azure Log Analytics to query and analyze logs from our Python network automation scripts.
  • Integrate Grafana to build real-time dashboards for network visualization.
  • Leverage Azure OpenAI for dynamic feedback and real-time alerts.

By the end of this part, you will have a fully integrated cloud-based monitoring solution that enables visibility into your automated network processes and empowers your AI systems to make dynamic adjustments in real-time.

1. Setting Up Azure Monitor for Network Monitoring

Azure Monitor is a powerful cloud-native service that collects and analyzes data from your network infrastructure, enabling proactive monitoring and troubleshooting. For network automation, we’ll use it to monitor the health of devices, track traffic, and analyze the logs generated by our Python automation scripts.

1.1 Creating a Log Analytics Workspace

Before using Azure Monitor, we need to set up a Log Analytics Workspace to store logs from network devices and automation processes.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Azure Portal: Sign in to your Azure account and navigate to the Azure portal.
  2. Create a Log Analytics Workspace: Search for "Log Analytics" in the search bar and click on "Create".
    • Provide a name for the workspace (e.g., NetworkAutomationLogs).
    • Choose the appropriate region and resource group.
    • Click Review + Create.

Once the workspace is created, you can connect your network automation scripts to send logs directly to Azure Monitor.

1.2 Integrating Python Logging with Azure Monitor

To send logs from your Python network automation scripts to Azure Monitor, we’ll need the Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API. This allows us to send custom log data directly from our automation framework.

Here’s how to configure it:

pip install requests

Now, let’s modify our Python script to send logs to Azure Monitor:

import requests
import json
import datetime
import logging
# Azure Monitor workspace details
workspace_id = '<Your-Workspace-ID>'
shared_key = '<Your-Shared-Key>'
log_type = 'NetworkAutomationLogs'
# Create a function to build the signature for API requests
def build_signature(workspace_id, shared_key, date, content_length, method, content_type, resource):
    x_headers = 'x-ms-date:' + date
    string_to_hash = method + '\n' + str(content_length) + '\n' + content_type + '\n' + x_headers + '\n' + resource
    bytes_to_hash = bytes(string_to_hash, encoding='utf-8')
    decoded_key = base64.b64decode(shared_key)
    encoded_hash = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(decoded_key, bytes_to_hash, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode()
    authorization = f"SharedKey {workspace_id}:{encoded_hash}"
    return authorization
# Log function to send data to Azure Monitor
def send_log_to_azure(log_data):
    logging.info('Sending logs to Azure Monitor...')
    body = json.dumps(log_data)
    rfc1123date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
    content_length = len(body)
    signature = build_signature(workspace_id, shared_key, rfc1123date, content_length, 'POST', 'application/json', '/api/logs')
    uri = f'https://{workspace_id}.ods.opinsights.azure.com/api/logs?api-version=2016-04-01'
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': signature,
        'Log-Type': log_type,
        'x-ms-date': rfc1123date
    response = requests.post(uri, data=body, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        logging.info('Logs successfully sent to Azure Monitor.')
        logging.error(f"Error sending logs to Azure Monitor: {response.text}")
# Example log data from network automation tasks
log_data = {
    "Device": "Router1",
    "Task": "OSPF Configuration",
    "Status": "Success",
    "Timestamp": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
# Send log to Azure Monitor


  • workspace_id and shared_key: These credentials are required to authenticate with the Azure Monitor API.
  • build_signature(): This function creates an HMAC signature to authenticate API requests.
  • send_log_to_azure(): Sends log data to Azure Monitor in JSON format, allowing it to be queried and visualized.

Once your logs are being sent, you can view them in Azure Monitor or use Log Analytics to run queries.

2. Querying Logs with Azure Log Analytics

Azure Log Analytics allows you to query your log data and gain insights into your network automation tasks, such as identifying failed tasks, tracking performance, or detecting anomalies.

2.1 Example Log Query

Here’s an example query to list all OSPF configuration tasks over the last 24 hours:

| where Task == "OSPF Configuration"
| where Timestamp > ago(24h)
| summarize count() by Device, Status


  • where Task == "OSPF Configuration": Filters for OSPF configuration tasks.
  • ago(24h): Limits the query to the last 24 hours.
  • summarize count() by Device, Status: Summarizes the number of tasks per device and status (e.g., success or failure).

You can set up alerts in Azure Monitor based on these queries. For example, you can trigger an alert when a certain threshold is met, like if there are more than five OSPF configuration failures in the past hour.

3. Visualizing Network Data with Grafana

Now that we have monitoring and logging data flowing into Azure, we can visualize it with Grafana, an open-source analytics and monitoring platform. Grafana allows you to create custom dashboards that show real-time network performance data, log summaries, and AI-based predictions.

3.1 Setting Up Grafana to Use Azure Monitor as a Data Source
  1. Install Grafana: You can install Grafana on a local machine or in the cloud.

    sudo apt-get install -y grafana
  2. Add Azure Monitor as a Data Source:

    • In Grafana, go to Configuration > Data Sources and click Add Data Source.
    • Select Azure Monitor and enter your Azure credentials (Tenant ID, Subscription ID, Client ID, Client Secret).
  3. Creating Dashboards: With Azure Monitor as your data source, you can create dashboards that show real-time data on network performance. Here’s how to visualize the bandwidth utilization we collected in Part 8:

    • Create a new panel in Grafana and select Azure Monitor as the data source.
    • Write a query to display bandwidth utilization, using metrics such as ifInOctets and ifOutOctets.
    • Customize the panel to show graphs over time, tables of top devices, or thresholds for alerts.
3.2 Example Bandwidth Utilization Dashboard

You can visualize bandwidth utilization per interface with a line graph in Grafana:

| where Device == "Router1"
| summarize avg(ifInOctets), avg(ifOutOctets) by bin(Timestamp, 5m)
| render timechart

This query will show the average inbound and outbound traffic on Router1 over 5-minute intervals. You can set Grafana to refresh this dashboard in real time and create custom alerts for when traffic spikes or drops below a certain threshold.

4. Real-Time Alerts and Dynamic Configuration with AI

With both Azure Monitor and Grafana set up, you can configure real-time alerts that trigger AI-based dynamic configuration adjustments. For example, if Grafana detects a significant increase in bandwidth utilization on a critical link, Azure OpenAI can dynamically adjust routing policies, such as tweaking BGP path selection or adjusting OSPF costs to reroute traffic.

4.1 Configuring Alerts in Azure Monitor

Here’s how to configure an alert for high bandwidth usage:

  1. Create an Alert Rule in Azure Monitor:
    • Go to Alerts > New Alert Rule.
    • Set the Condition to monitor bandwidth utilization (e.g., when ifInOctets exceeds a certain threshold).
    • Set the Action Group to trigger an email alert or call a webhook to run an automation task.
4.2 Automating Network Adjustments with AI

When an alert is triggered, you can automatically apply network configuration changes using Azure OpenAI to generate and apply adjustments based on current network conditions:

# AI prompt for network optimization based on alert data
alert_data = {
    "Device": "Router1",
    "Input Octets": 100000000,
    "Output Octets": 120000000,
    "Link Utilization": 95,
    "Threshold": 90
optimize_prompt = f"""You are a network optimization AI. Based on the following data:
- Device: {alert_data['Device']}
- Input Octets: {alert_data['Input Octets']}
- Output Octets: {alert_data['Output Octets']}
- Link Utilization: {alert_data['Link Utilization']}%
Recommend changes to optimize traffic flow and reduce link congestion."""
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Apply the AI's recommended changes
recommendation = response.choices[0].text.strip()
print(f"AI Recommendation: {recommendation}")

Part 10: Advanced AI-Driven Network Optimization and Traffic Engineering

In this part, we’ll take the integration of AI into network automation to the next level by exploring:

  • Advanced dynamic routing with IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) like OSPF and EIGRP, and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).
  • Using AI for traffic engineering to optimize data flows across links and paths.
  • Implementing STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) optimizations to prevent loops in Layer 2 networks.
  • Automating ACL (Access Control Lists) management and security policies based on real-time traffic analysis.

By the end of this part, you will have a robust AI-powered system capable of intelligently managing routing protocols, traffic flows, and network security at scale.

1. Dynamic Routing with IGPs and BGP

Both IGPs (like OSPF and EIGRP) and BGP are essential for controlling how data is routed within and between networks. In this section, we will use AI to adjust routing metrics dynamically based on real-time conditions like bandwidth usage, latency, and link failures.

1.1 Optimizing OSPF Costs Based on Link Utilization

OSPF calculates the shortest path using a cost metric, where cost is inversely proportional to the link bandwidth. AI can dynamically adjust OSPF costs based on real-time bandwidth utilization to optimize traffic distribution.

Let’s set up a Python script that retrieves OSPF metrics and adjusts costs:

import os
import paramiko
import openai
# OSPF command template for cost adjustment
def adjust_ospf_cost(router_ip, interface, new_cost):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    # OSPF cost adjustment command
    ospf_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    interface {interface}
    ip ospf cost {new_cost}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(ospf_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# AI prompt for cost optimization based on bandwidth
def get_ospf_optimization(bandwidth_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network optimization AI. Based on the following bandwidth data:
    Recommend OSPF cost adjustments to improve traffic distribution."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example bandwidth data for Router1
bandwidth_data = {
    "Interface": "GigabitEthernet0/1",
    "Input Octets": 120000000,
    "Output Octets": 100000000,
    "Utilization": 85
# Get AI-based OSPF cost optimization
recommendation = get_ospf_optimization(bandwidth_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {recommendation}")
# Apply OSPF cost adjustment
adjust_ospf_cost("", "GigabitEthernet0/1", 10)


  • adjust_ospf_cost(): Uses SSH to connect to the router and adjust the OSPF cost for a given interface.
  • get_ospf_optimization(): Uses Azure OpenAI to analyze real-time bandwidth data and recommend OSPF cost changes.
  • Example: The AI can suggest lowering the cost on a less-utilized link to reroute traffic there.
1.2 BGP Path Selection Based on Real-Time Metrics

For BGP, which controls routing between different autonomous systems (AS), AI can adjust BGP attributes like Local Preference, MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator), or AS Path Prepending to influence path selection.

Let’s create a script that uses AI to adjust BGP policies dynamically:

# BGP policy adjustment based on AI recommendations
def adjust_bgp_policy(router_ip, prefix, policy_change):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    # Apply BGP policy change
    bgp_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    router bgp 65000
    neighbor {prefix} {policy_change}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(bgp_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# AI prompt for BGP optimization
def get_bgp_optimization(bgp_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network optimization AI. Based on the following BGP routing data:
    Recommend changes to Local Preference, MED, or AS Path to optimize traffic flow."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example BGP routing data
bgp_data = {
    "Neighbor": "",
    "AS Path": "65000 65100 65200",
    "Local Preference": 100,
    "MED": 50
# Get AI-based BGP optimization
bgp_recommendation = get_bgp_optimization(bgp_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {bgp_recommendation}")
# Apply BGP policy adjustment
adjust_bgp_policy("", "", "set local-preference 200")


  • BGP Path Optimization: AI analyzes BGP attributes (Local Preference, MED) to influence which routes are preferred, balancing traffic across multiple paths.
  • Example: AI might suggest increasing the Local Preference for a less congested path, resulting in optimal traffic distribution.

2. Traffic Engineering with AI

Traffic engineering is about optimizing data flow across the network. AI can enhance traditional traffic engineering approaches by making dynamic adjustments based on real-time traffic conditions.

2.1 MPLS and AI-Driven Traffic Engineering

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) is often used to control traffic paths across large-scale networks. AI can make real-time decisions about how traffic should be routed over MPLS paths based on performance metrics like latency, jitter, or packet loss.

Here’s how AI can dynamically adjust MPLS TE (Traffic Engineering):

# AI prompt for MPLS traffic engineering optimization
def get_mpls_te_optimization(mpls_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a traffic engineering AI. Based on the following MPLS TE data:
    Recommend changes to optimize traffic flow and minimize latency and packet loss."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example MPLS traffic data
mpls_data = {
    "Path": "LSP1",
    "Latency": 30,  # in ms
    "Packet Loss": 0.5,  # in %
    "Bandwidth Utilization": 70  # in %
# Get AI-based MPLS TE optimization
mpls_recommendation = get_mpls_te_optimization(mpls_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {mpls_recommendation}")


  • Dynamic Traffic Path Optimization: AI can recommend MPLS path adjustments to minimize latency or reroute traffic based on link quality.
  • Example: AI may suggest rerouting traffic over a lower-latency path when packet loss exceeds a defined threshold.

3. STP Optimization with AI

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) prevents loops in Layer 2 networks but can sometimes lead to suboptimal paths. AI can optimize STP decisions by adjusting bridge priorities or port roles to create more efficient forwarding paths.

3.1 AI-Powered STP Adjustments

Let’s configure a Python script where AI recommends STP bridge priority adjustments based on network load:

# AI prompt for STP optimization
def get_stp_optimization(stp_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network optimization AI. Based on the following STP data:
    Recommend changes to optimize the STP topology and minimize convergence times."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example STP data for AI analysis
stp_data = {
    "Root Bridge": "SwitchA",
    "Bridge Priority": 32768,
    "Blocked Ports": ["FastEthernet0/2"],
    "Network Load": "High"
# Get AI-based STP optimization
stp_recommendation = get_stp_optimization(stp_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {stp_recommendation}")


  • Bridge Priority Adjustments: AI can recommend lowering or raising bridge priorities to elect more efficient root bridges.
  • Port Role Changes: AI might recommend changing blocked ports to forwarding if network load shifts.

**4. Automating

ACL and Security Policies**

AI can also automate the management of Access Control Lists (ACLs), ensuring that only authorized traffic is allowed based on real-time analysis of network traffic patterns.

4.1 AI-Powered ACL Management

Here’s an example where AI analyzes network traffic and dynamically applies security policies:

# AI prompt for ACL optimization based on traffic patterns
def get_acl_optimization(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network security AI. Based on the following traffic data:
    Recommend ACL rules to enhance security without impacting performance."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic data for ACL adjustments
traffic_data = {
    "Source IP": "",
    "Destination IP": "",
    "Protocol": "TCP",
    "Port": 80,
    "Suspicious Activity": True
# Get AI-based ACL optimization
acl_recommendation = get_acl_optimization(traffic_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {acl_recommendation}")


  • Dynamic ACL Adjustments: AI analyzes traffic and applies or adjusts ACLs based on detected anomalies or suspicious activity.
  • Example: If AI detects a suspicious source IP trying to access sensitive services, it can automatically block that traffic.

Part 11: AI-Powered Network Security - Proactive Threat Detection and Mitigation

In this part, we’ll focus on how AI can be integrated into network security to create a dynamic, self-learning defense system. This system will leverage real-time traffic monitoring, deep packet inspection, and anomaly detection to safeguard the network against threats. We will explore:

  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) using AI to identify suspicious traffic.
  • Dynamic firewall and ACL adjustments based on threat intelligence.
  • Proactive defense mechanisms such as AI-driven honeypots and traffic redirection to isolate malicious activity.
  • Integration with security tools like SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) for comprehensive security management.

By the end of this part, you’ll have a robust AI-based security system capable of defending the network in real time, automating responses to emerging threats, and ensuring compliance with security policies.

1. AI-Powered Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a vital component of network security that monitors network traffic for malicious activity or policy violations. AI enhances IDS by using machine learning to detect anomalies, even in encrypted or obfuscated traffic.

1.1 Building an AI-Driven IDS with Python

Let’s build an AI-driven IDS that detects anomalies based on traffic patterns. The AI will identify deviations from normal behavior and flag potentially malicious activity.

import scapy.all as scapy
import openai
import json
# Function to capture network packets
def packet_sniffer(packet):
    return {
        "src_ip": packet[scapy.IP].src,
        "dst_ip": packet[scapy.IP].dst,
        "protocol": packet[scapy.IP].proto,
        "payload": bytes(packet[scapy.IP].payload).hex()
# AI function to analyze traffic and detect threats
def ai_analyze_traffic(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network security AI. Based on the following traffic data:
    {json.dumps(traffic_data, indent=4)}
    Detect potential threats and describe the suspicious behavior."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Capture network traffic and analyze with AI
def run_ids():
    packets = scapy.sniff(count=10, filter="ip", prn=packet_sniffer)
    for packet in packets:
        analysis = ai_analyze_traffic(packet)
        print(f"AI Threat Analysis: {analysis}")


  • Packet Sniffing: We use Scapy to capture network packets and extract critical information such as source IP, destination IP, and protocol.
  • AI Threat Detection: The captured packet data is fed into OpenAI, which analyzes the traffic patterns to detect anomalies and identify potential threats.
  • Example: The AI might flag traffic originating from a known malicious IP or unusual protocol usage that doesn’t fit the typical behavior.
1.2 Deploying the IDS for Real-Time Threat Detection

Now that we have the IDS in place, we can deploy it across key points in the network. The IDS will analyze traffic continuously and alert the administrator when malicious activity is detected. You can also configure automated responses such as blocking malicious IPs in real time.

2. Dynamic Firewall and ACL Adjustments Based on AI Threat Analysis

Once suspicious traffic is detected, AI can dynamically adjust firewall rules and ACLs to block or isolate malicious activity, preventing potential attacks from spreading across the network.

2.1 Automating Firewall Rule Adjustments

Let’s configure AI to automatically modify firewall rules when a threat is detected. In this example, the AI will update the firewall configuration to block traffic from a suspicious IP.

import paramiko
# Function to apply firewall rule using SSH
def apply_firewall_rule(router_ip, malicious_ip):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    firewall_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    ip access-list extended BLOCK_MALICIOUS
    deny ip host {malicious_ip} any
    permit ip any any
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(firewall_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example malicious IP detected by AI
malicious_ip = ""
# Apply the firewall rule to block malicious traffic
firewall_output = apply_firewall_rule("", malicious_ip)
print(f"Firewall Updated: {firewall_output}")


  • Dynamic ACLs: AI detects a suspicious IP and immediately updates firewall rules using SSH to block the malicious traffic.
  • Example: The script dynamically creates an ACL that blocks all traffic from the malicious IP while allowing legitimate traffic to flow.
2.2 Using AI for Policy-Based Security Adjustments

AI can also analyze traffic to recommend more granular adjustments to ACLs and firewall rules, ensuring security policies are enforced without impacting performance.

Here’s a scenario where AI evaluates real-time traffic data and recommends adjustments to existing ACLs to enhance security:

# AI prompt for ACL adjustment recommendations
def get_acl_recommendation(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network security AI. Based on the following real-time traffic data:
    Recommend ACL rule changes to prevent threats while maintaining network performance."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic data for AI analysis
traffic_data = {
    "src_ip": "",
    "dst_ip": "",
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "port": 443,
    "flags": "SYN"
# Get AI recommendation for ACL changes
acl_recommendation = get_acl_recommendation(traffic_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {acl_recommendation}")


  • Proactive ACL Adjustments: AI reviews traffic in real time and recommends specific ACL changes to block suspicious traffic while allowing legitimate traffic.
  • Example: AI might detect unusual SYN traffic (a common sign of a DDoS attack) and suggest blocking the source IP.

3. Proactive Defense Mechanisms: Honeypots and Traffic Redirection

Proactive security measures like honeypots (decoy systems) can help detect and study attacks without exposing critical infrastructure. AI can intelligently deploy honeypots and redirect suspicious traffic to these decoy environments.

3.1 Automating Honeypot Deployment with AI

Let’s build a Python script where AI detects suspicious activity and deploys a honeypot to divert malicious traffic.

# Function to deploy honeypot using SSH
def deploy_honeypot(honeypot_ip, router_ip, malicious_ip):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    # Create a static route to the honeypot
    honeypot_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    ip route {malicious_ip} {honeypot_ip}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(honeypot_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example malicious IP detected by AI
malicious_ip = ""
# Deploy honeypot to isolate malicious traffic
honeypot_output = deploy_honeypot("", "", malicious_ip)
print(f"Honeypot Deployed: {honeypot_output}")


  • Honeypot Deployment: AI redirects malicious traffic to a honeypot (a decoy system) by adding a static route, isolating the attack and gathering intelligence without exposing critical systems.
3.2 AI-Driven Traffic Redirection

AI can also dynamically reroute legitimate traffic around congested or compromised network segments, ensuring performance and security.

Here’s how AI can detect a DDoS attack and redirect traffic through a cleaner path:

# AI prompt for traffic redirection during an attack
def get_traffic_redirection(attack_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network security AI. Based on the following DDoS attack data:
    Recommend changes to reroute traffic through a more secure path."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example attack data
attack_data = {
    "src_ip": "",
    "attack_type": "DDoS",
    "affected_service": "Web Server",
    "current_path": ["RouterA", "RouterB", "RouterC"]
# Get AI recommendation for traffic redirection
redirection_recommendation = get_traffic_redirection(attack_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {redirection_recommendation}")


  • Traffic Redirection

: AI detects a potential DDoS attack and suggests rerouting traffic around compromised routers to maintain service availability.

Part 12: AI-Assisted Network Provisioning - Automating VLAN, VPN, and QoS Configuration

In this part, we’ll dive into how AI can automate the provisioning of essential network services like Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Quality of Service (QoS). These are critical components in optimizing network performance, segmenting traffic, and ensuring secure communication.

We’ll cover:

  1. AI-driven VLAN creation and traffic isolation.
  2. Automating VPN configuration to establish secure connections between network segments.
  3. QoS optimization to prioritize network traffic and guarantee service levels for critical applications.

By the end of this part, your AI-powered automation system will be capable of handling complex network provisioning tasks, ensuring high availability, security, and performance.

1. Automating VLAN Configuration with AI

VLANs are used to segment network traffic, enhancing both performance and security by isolating different types of traffic. AI can analyze network topology and traffic patterns to automatically recommend and provision VLANs based on usage trends.

1.1 AI-Powered VLAN Recommendations

Let’s build an AI-powered system that suggests VLAN configurations based on current traffic flows:

# AI prompt for VLAN recommendations based on traffic patterns
def get_vlan_recommendation(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network automation AI. Based on the following traffic data:
    Recommend VLAN configurations for optimal traffic segmentation and security."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic data
traffic_data = {
    "Department": "Finance",
    "Device Count": 50,
    "Traffic Volume": "High",
    "Security Requirements": "High"
# Get AI VLAN recommendation
vlan_recommendation = get_vlan_recommendation(traffic_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {vlan_recommendation}")


  • VLAN Recommendations: AI analyzes traffic patterns and makes suggestions for VLANs, such as creating separate VLANs for different departments or services based on their traffic volume and security needs.
  • Example: In a corporate network, AI may recommend a dedicated VLAN for the finance department with high security and limited access, segregating sensitive data from general traffic.
1.2 Automating VLAN Configuration on Network Devices

Once the VLAN recommendations are generated, the next step is to apply these configurations to network switches and routers. Here’s how you can automate VLAN creation using SSH and Python:

import paramiko
# Function to configure VLAN on a network switch
def configure_vlan(switch_ip, vlan_id, vlan_name):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(switch_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    vlan_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    vlan {vlan_id}
    name {vlan_name}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(vlan_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example VLAN configuration
vlan_id = 100
vlan_name = "Finance_VLAN"
switch_ip = ""
# Apply the VLAN configuration to the switch
vlan_output = configure_vlan(switch_ip, vlan_id, vlan_name)
print(f"VLAN Configured: {vlan_output}")


  • Automated VLAN Provisioning: The AI recommendations are applied by sending SSH commands to network devices, creating VLANs on the switch and assigning them names.
  • Example: The script provisions a VLAN for the finance department with a unique VLAN ID and descriptive name.

2. AI-Assisted VPN Configuration

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure tunnel between two network endpoints, allowing encrypted communication. AI can automate the setup of VPNs, ensuring secure connections between remote branches, data centers, or cloud environments.

2.1 AI-Based VPN Configuration Suggestions

AI can assess the network's security needs and suggest VPN configurations to protect sensitive traffic. Here’s an example where AI provides recommendations for creating a VPN tunnel between two remote sites:

# AI prompt for VPN configuration recommendations
def get_vpn_recommendation(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network security AI. Based on the following traffic data:
    Recommend VPN configuration settings to secure the connection between the two sites."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic data for VPN recommendation
traffic_data = {
    "Site_A_IP": "",
    "Site_B_IP": "",
    "Data_Sensitivity": "High",
    "Bandwidth_Requirements": "Medium"
# Get AI VPN recommendation
vpn_recommendation = get_vpn_recommendation(traffic_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {vpn_recommendation}")


  • AI-Powered VPN Suggestions: The AI recommends optimal VPN settings (encryption protocols, key exchange methods) based on the traffic’s sensitivity and bandwidth requirements.
  • Example: For high-sensitivity data between two sites, the AI might recommend using IPSec with AES-256 encryption for enhanced security.
2.2 Automating VPN Configuration

Once the AI has provided VPN recommendations, the next step is to apply these configurations to routers or firewalls. Here’s an example of automating VPN tunnel creation:

# Function to configure VPN tunnel using SSH
def configure_vpn(router_ip, site_a_ip, site_b_ip, encryption_method):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    vpn_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    encryption {encryption_method}
    hash sha256
    authentication pre-share
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    crypto ipsec transform-set VPNSET esp-{encryption_method}-hmac sha256
    crypto map VPNMAP 10 ipsec-isakmp
    set peer {site_b_ip}
    set transform-set VPNSET
    match address 101
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(vpn_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example VPN configuration
router_ip = ""
encryption_method = "aes-256"
site_a_ip = ""
site_b_ip = ""
# Apply the VPN configuration
vpn_output = configure_vpn(router_ip, site_a_ip, site_b_ip, encryption_method)
print(f"VPN Configured: {vpn_output}")


  • VPN Provisioning: Using the recommended settings from AI, the script applies the VPN configuration on the router, enabling secure communication between two sites.
  • Example: The script configures an IPSec VPN tunnel between the two sites with AES-256 encryption.

3. AI-Powered QoS Configuration

Quality of Service (QoS) is essential for prioritizing traffic to ensure that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth. AI can automatically analyze traffic patterns and adjust QoS policies to maintain service levels.

3.1 AI-Based QoS Recommendations

AI can recommend how to prioritize traffic based on network utilization and the types of applications running. For example, video conferencing traffic may need higher priority than file downloads.

# AI prompt for QoS recommendations
def get_qos_recommendation(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network optimization AI. Based on the following traffic data:
    Recommend QoS settings to prioritize critical traffic and optimize bandwidth usage."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic data for QoS recommendation
traffic_data = {
    "Application": "Video Conferencing",
    "Bandwidth_Usage": "High",
    "Priority_Level": "High",
    "Latency_Sensitivity": "Very High"
# Get AI QoS recommendation
qos_recommendation = get_qos_recommendation(traffic_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {qos_recommendation}")


  • QoS Recommendations: AI analyzes the traffic data and suggests prioritization for critical applications, ensuring smooth performance for latency-sensitive services like video conferencing.
3.2 Automating QoS Configuration

With the QoS recommendations in hand, let’s automate the process of configuring QoS policies on a router:

# Function to configure QoS policy using SSH
def configure_qos(router_ip, traffic_class, priority_level):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    qos_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    class-map match-any
    match protocol {traffic_class}
    policy-map QOS_POLICY
    class {traffic_class}
    priority {priority_level}
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    service-policy output QOS_POLICY
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(qos_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example QoS configuration
router_ip = ""
traffic_class = "video_conferencing"
priority_level = "5000"  # bandwidth in Kbps
# Apply the QoS configuration
qos_output = configure_qos(router_ip, traffic_class, priority_level)
print(f"QoS Configured: {qos_output}")


  • QoS Provisioning: AI recommendations are applied to configure a QoS policy, giving higher priority to latency-sensitive traffic such as video conferencing.
  • Example: The script configures QoS to allocate bandwidth and prioritize video conferencing traffic.


In Part 12, we explored the automation of VLAN, VPN, and QoS configurations using AI to optimize network performance and security. By leveraging AI, these complex configurations can be provisioned dynamically, adapting to real-time traffic needs.

In Part 13, we’ll focus on AI-driven dynamic route optimization, where protocols like BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) and IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) will be enhanced through AI-based learning.

Part 13: AI-Driven Dynamic Route Optimization with BGP, IGPs, and STP

In this part, we will dive deep into dynamic route optimization using AI. Network traffic routing is a critical aspect of performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. By leveraging AI, we can enhance the routing protocols like BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) and IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol). Additionally, we will explore STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) to ensure there are no loops in Layer 2 networks.

We’ll cover:

  1. AI-powered dynamic BGP route optimization.
  2. Enhancing IGPs (OSPF and EIGRP) using AI to improve route convergence and stability.
  3. AI-assisted STP optimization to prevent network loops.

By the end of this part, you’ll have the tools to configure and automate the AI-driven optimization of routing protocols and Layer 2 networks to ensure efficient and stable network performance.

1. AI-Powered BGP Route Optimization

BGP is the protocol used to route traffic between autonomous systems (ASes) in the global internet or large corporate networks. Traditionally, BGP routing decisions are based on static rules, but AI can help optimize route selection dynamically based on real-time metrics like latency, bandwidth usage, and packet loss.

1.1 AI-Based BGP Route Recommendations

AI can be used to analyze traffic patterns, AS path lengths, and other BGP attributes to suggest optimal routing decisions. Here’s an example where AI analyzes the BGP table and recommends an optimal route based on performance metrics:

# AI prompt for BGP route optimization
def get_bgp_route_optimization(bgp_table_data):
    prompt = f"""You are a network optimization AI. Based on the following BGP table data:
    Recommend the optimal BGP route based on metrics such as AS path, latency, and bandwidth usage."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example BGP table data for optimization
bgp_table_data = {
    "AS_Path": "65000 65001 65002",
    "Latency": "20 ms",
    "Bandwidth_Usage": "80%",
    "Packet_Loss": "0.1%"
# Get AI-based BGP route optimization recommendation
bgp_recommendation = get_bgp_route_optimization(bgp_table_data)
print(f"AI BGP Route Recommendation: {bgp_recommendation}")


  • AI BGP Optimization: AI recommends an optimal route based on metrics such as AS path length, latency, bandwidth usage, and packet loss.
  • Example: For a given BGP table, AI may choose a route with a longer AS path but lower latency or packet loss, improving performance.
1.2 Automating BGP Route Configuration

Once the AI provides a recommendation, we can apply these optimizations dynamically to routers by updating the BGP routing tables.

# Function to configure BGP route using SSH
def configure_bgp_route(router_ip, neighbor_ip, best_route):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    bgp_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    router bgp 65000
    neighbor {neighbor_ip} remote-as 65001
    network {best_route['network']} mask {best_route['mask']}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(bgp_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example BGP route configuration
router_ip = ""
neighbor_ip = ""
best_route = {"network": "", "mask": ""}
# Apply the BGP route configuration
bgp_output = configure_bgp_route(router_ip, neighbor_ip, best_route)
print(f"BGP Route Configured: {bgp_output}")


  • BGP Configuration: The AI recommendation is implemented by configuring the router to prefer a specific route based on the optimal path.
  • Example: The script configures a BGP route to send traffic to the best neighbor AS, as recommended by AI.

2. AI-Enhanced IGPs (OSPF and EIGRP)

IGPs like OSPF and EIGRP handle internal routing within an organization. These protocols are responsible for fast convergence and stable path selection. AI can be used to dynamically optimize IGP configurations by improving link metrics and tuning convergence settings to minimize downtime and avoid unstable routes.

2.1 AI-Based OSPF Optimization

OSPF uses link-state advertisements (LSAs) to build a topology map of the network and compute the shortest path to each destination. AI can analyze the OSPF database and suggest optimized link metrics to improve path selection.

# AI prompt for OSPF optimization
def get_ospf_optimization(ospf_data):
    prompt = f"""You are an AI optimizing OSPF. Based on the following OSPF topology data:
    Recommend optimized link metrics to improve convergence and path selection."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example OSPF data for optimization
ospf_data = {
    "Router_ID": "",
    "Link_Cost": "10",
    "Neighbor_Router": "",
    "Traffic_Load": "High"
# Get AI-based OSPF optimization recommendation
ospf_recommendation = get_ospf_optimization(ospf_data)
print(f"AI OSPF Optimization Recommendation: {ospf_recommendation}")


  • AI OSPF Optimization: AI provides recommendations for adjusting link costs based on traffic load and topology changes to ensure optimal path selection.
  • Example: The AI may recommend reducing the link cost for a lightly-used path to shift traffic and balance the load.
2.2 Automating OSPF Configuration

After receiving the AI's recommendations, the router's OSPF configuration can be dynamically updated to adjust link metrics:

# Function to configure OSPF link cost using SSH
def configure_ospf_cost(router_ip, link_cost, neighbor_ip):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    ospf_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    router ospf 1
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    ip ospf cost {link_cost}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(ospf_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example OSPF configuration
router_ip = ""
link_cost = 5
neighbor_ip = ""
# Apply the OSPF link cost configuration
ospf_output = configure_ospf_cost(router_ip, link_cost, neighbor_ip)
print(f"OSPF Link Cost Configured: {ospf_output}")


  • OSPF Configuration: The OSPF link cost is dynamically updated based on AI recommendations, ensuring that the network uses the most efficient paths.
  • Example: By reducing the link cost for a neighbor, traffic will be rerouted through the most optimal link based on real-time metrics.

3. AI-Assisted STP Optimization

The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) prevents loops in Layer 2 networks by creating a loop-free topology. However, misconfigurations or topology changes can lead to inefficiencies or even network downtime. AI can continuously monitor the network and dynamically adjust STP parameters to improve performance.

3.1 AI-Based STP Optimization

AI can recommend changes to bridge priorities, port costs, and root bridge selection to optimize STP convergence and prevent network loops.

# AI prompt for STP optimization
def get_stp_optimization(stp_data):
    prompt = f"""You are an AI optimizing the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). Based on the following STP data:
    Recommend optimized bridge priorities and port costs to improve network convergence and prevent loops."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example STP data for optimization
stp_data = {
    "Root_Bridge": "",
    "Bridge_Priority": "32768",
    "Port_Cost": "19",
    "Topology_Changes": "Low"
# Get AI-based STP optimization recommendation
stp_recommendation = get_stp_optimization(stp_data)
print(f"AI STP
 Optimization Recommendation: {stp_recommendation}")


  • AI STP Optimization: AI can suggest changes to bridge priorities and port costs to ensure fast convergence and prevent network loops.
  • Example: If there are topology changes or a better root bridge is available, AI may recommend lowering the bridge priority on a more central switch.
3.2 Automating STP Configuration

Once the AI provides recommendations, the router or switch can be configured to update the STP parameters:

# Function to configure STP bridge priority using SSH
def configure_stp_bridge_priority(switch_ip, bridge_priority):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(switch_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    stp_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    spanning-tree vlan 1 priority {bridge_priority}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(stp_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example STP configuration
switch_ip = ""
bridge_priority = 24576
# Apply the STP configuration
stp_output = configure_stp_bridge_priority(switch_ip, bridge_priority)
print(f"STP Bridge Priority Configured: {stp_output}")


  • STP Configuration: AI recommendations are applied to adjust the bridge priority or port cost, ensuring optimal STP operation.
  • Example: The script sets the bridge priority to a lower value, making the switch more likely to be selected as the root bridge.


In Part 13, we explored how AI can optimize dynamic routing protocols such as BGP, OSPF, EIGRP, and STP. By incorporating AI-driven recommendations, we can enhance network performance, ensure faster convergence, and maintain optimal route selection based on real-time metrics.

In Part 14, we’ll move on to advanced AI-assisted Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Firewall Automation for network security.

Part 14: Advanced AI-Assisted ACLs and Firewall Automation

In this part, we’ll explore how AI can enhance network security by dynamically managing Access Control Lists (ACLs) and firewall rules. Security is one of the most critical aspects of network management, and ACLs provide a foundational layer of protection by controlling the flow of traffic into and out of network segments. Similarly, firewalls are essential for inspecting and filtering traffic based on a predefined set of security rules.

By leveraging AI, we can automate the configuration, optimization, and continuous monitoring of ACLs and firewall policies to ensure the network remains secure against ever-evolving threats.

We’ll cover:

  1. AI-driven ACL generation and optimization.
  2. Firewall rule automation using AI.
  3. Integrating AI for real-time traffic analysis and dynamic security rule updates.

By the end of this part, you’ll have a deep understanding of how AI can improve the management and security of your network through intelligent ACL and firewall rule management.

1. AI-Driven ACL Generation and Optimization

Access Control Lists (ACLs) are used to define which types of traffic are allowed or denied at network interfaces. Traditionally, ACLs are manually configured and prone to human error. With AI, we can generate optimized ACLs based on network traffic patterns, threat intelligence, and policy requirements.

1.1 AI-Based ACL Creation

AI can analyze traffic patterns and security logs to recommend optimized ACLs that allow legitimate traffic while blocking potential threats. This not only reduces manual configuration efforts but also ensures a higher level of security by dynamically adjusting ACLs as traffic patterns evolve.

Here’s an example of how AI can help generate ACL rules for a network:

# AI prompt for ACL generation
def get_acl_recommendations(traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are an AI network security expert. Based on the following traffic data:
    Generate an optimized Access Control List (ACL) to allow legitimate traffic and block potential threats."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic data for ACL recommendation
traffic_data = {
    "Source_IP": "",
    "Destination_IP": "",
    "Protocol": "TCP",
    "Port": "443",
    "Traffic_Type": "HTTPS"
# Get AI-based ACL recommendation
acl_recommendation = get_acl_recommendations(traffic_data)
print(f"AI ACL Recommendation: {acl_recommendation}")


  • AI-Based ACL Generation: AI analyzes traffic data and recommends an ACL that allows legitimate traffic (e.g., HTTPS from specific source IPs) while blocking unauthorized traffic.
  • Example: The script might generate an ACL that allows HTTPS traffic from specific trusted IP addresses while blocking other protocols or unknown sources.
1.2 Automating ACL Configuration

Once AI generates the ACL recommendations, we can use SSH to dynamically apply these ACLs to network devices such as routers or firewalls.

# Function to configure ACL using SSH
def configure_acl(router_ip, acl_name, acl_rules):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(router_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    acl_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    ip access-list extended {acl_name}
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    ip access-group {acl_name} in
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(acl_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example ACL configuration
router_ip = ""
acl_name = "SECURE_ACL"
acl_rules = "permit tcp any eq 443\n deny ip any any"
# Apply the ACL configuration
acl_output = configure_acl(router_ip, acl_name, acl_rules)
print(f"ACL Configured: {acl_output}")


  • ACL Configuration: The AI-recommended ACL rules are applied to the router or firewall, securing traffic based on the specific conditions (e.g., allowing HTTPS traffic, blocking other IP traffic).
  • Example: In this case, we permit HTTPS traffic from the network and block all other traffic, ensuring strict access control.

2. Firewall Rule Automation Using AI

Firewalls are essential for controlling traffic between different network zones, such as between an internal network and the internet. AI can assist in automatically configuring firewall rules based on traffic patterns, threat intelligence, and security policies, reducing the complexity of managing firewall policies manually.

2.1 AI-Based Firewall Rule Recommendations

Just like ACLs, AI can help optimize firewall rules to block malicious traffic while allowing legitimate traffic. This can include configuring inbound and outbound rules, setting up zones, and dynamically adjusting rules based on real-time threat intelligence.

# AI prompt for firewall rule generation
def get_firewall_recommendations(traffic_logs):
    prompt = f"""You are an AI security expert. Based on the following traffic logs:
    Generate optimized firewall rules to protect the network from potential threats."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example traffic logs for firewall recommendation
traffic_logs = {
    "Source_IP": "",
    "Destination_IP": "",
    "Protocol": "TCP",
    "Port": "22",
    "Action": "Deny"
# Get AI-based firewall rule recommendation
firewall_recommendation = get_firewall_recommendations(traffic_logs)
print(f"AI Firewall Rule Recommendation: {firewall_recommendation}")


  • AI-Based Firewall Rule Generation: AI analyzes traffic logs and recommends firewall rules to protect the network from unauthorized access (e.g., blocking SSH access from specific IPs).
  • Example: The AI recommends a firewall rule that blocks TCP traffic on port 22 (SSH) from specific source IPs.
2.2 Automating Firewall Configuration

With the AI’s recommendations, firewall rules can be dynamically applied using automation tools.

# Function to configure firewall rules using SSH
def configure_firewall_rule(firewall_ip, rule_name, rule_action, source_ip, destination_ip, protocol, port):
    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(firewall_ip, username='admin', password='password')
    firewall_command = f"""
    configure terminal
    firewall rule {rule_name}
    action {rule_action}
    source {source_ip}
    destination {destination_ip}
    protocol {protocol}
    port {port}
    stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(firewall_command)
    output = stdout.read().decode()
    return output
# Example firewall rule configuration
firewall_ip = ""
rule_name = "BLOCK_SSH"
rule_action = "deny"
source_ip = ""
destination_ip = ""
protocol = "tcp"
port = "22"
# Apply the firewall rule configuration
firewall_output = configure_firewall_rule(firewall_ip, rule_name, rule_action, source_ip, destination_ip, protocol, port)
print(f"Firewall Rule Configured: {firewall_output}")


  • Firewall Configuration: AI-recommended firewall rules are applied dynamically to block specific traffic or protect against potential security threats.
  • Example: This script blocks SSH traffic (port 22) from a specific source IP address, which could be identified as a potential threat by AI.

3. Integrating AI for Real-Time Traffic Analysis and Dynamic Rule Updates

AI can continuously monitor network traffic in real-time and update ACLs and firewall rules as new patterns or potential threats are identified. This ensures that your network’s security is always adaptive and up-to-date with current conditions.

3.1 Real-Time Traffic Analysis with AI

AI can analyze real-time traffic to detect anomalies, such as unusual spikes in traffic or traffic originating from known malicious IP addresses. Based on this analysis, AI can dynamically adjust ACLs and firewall rules to block or allow traffic accordingly.

# Function to analyze real-time traffic with AI
def analyze_traffic_and_update_security_rules(real_time_traffic_data):
    prompt = f"""You are an AI network security expert. Based on the following real-time traffic data:
    Identify any potential security threats and suggest changes to ACLs or firewall rules."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example real-time traffic data
real_time_traffic_data = {
    "Source_IP": "",
    "Destination_IP": "",
    "Protocol": "UDP",
    "Port": "53",
ume": "High"
# Get AI-based traffic analysis and security rule update recommendations
security_recommendations = analyze_traffic_and_update_security_rules(real_time_traffic_data)
print(f"AI Security Recommendations: {security_recommendations}")


  • AI Real-Time Traffic Analysis: AI analyzes real-time traffic to identify anomalies and recommends updates to ACLs and firewall rules to block potential threats.
  • Example: AI might recommend blocking traffic from an IP address that’s generating unusually high traffic volumes on port 53 (DNS), which could indicate a potential DNS amplification attack.

Part 15: Building a Full CI/CD Pipeline for Network Automation

In this part, we will explore the integration of CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) practices into network automation. CI/CD is a fundamental DevOps practice that ensures rapid, reliable, and automated delivery of network configurations. By leveraging AI in conjunction with CI/CD, we can implement a continuous loop of network configuration, testing, deployment, and optimization.

Our primary goals in this section are to:

  1. Build a complete CI/CD pipeline from scratch for network automation.
  2. Automate configuration deployment using tools like Git, Jenkins, and Ansible.
  3. Integrate AI into the CI/CD pipeline to provide intelligent recommendations during deployment.
  4. Ensure network configurations are thoroughly tested and verified before deployment.
  5. Use Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to manage network infrastructure efficiently.

By the end of this part, you’ll have a fully functional CI/CD pipeline that integrates AI-driven recommendations and automates network deployment, testing, and monitoring.

1. Introduction to CI/CD for Network Automation

CI/CD enables automated testing, integration, and deployment of network configurations. In traditional networking, manual configuration and deployment can be error-prone and slow. CI/CD for network automation helps ensure:

  • Consistent and repeatable network configurations.
  • Automated testing to catch configuration errors early.
  • Continuous monitoring and updating of network infrastructure.

In a typical CI/CD pipeline, the process follows these steps:

  1. Version Control (CI): Network configuration changes are committed to a Git repository.
  2. Automated Testing: The changes are validated and tested in a lab environment.
  3. Deployment (CD): Once validated, the configurations are automatically deployed to production.
  4. AI Integration: AI-driven optimizations are applied to improve network performance and security.

2. CI/CD Pipeline Setup from Scratch

To implement CI/CD for network automation, we will set up the following components:

  • Git for version control of network configurations.
  • Jenkins for automation of testing and deployment.
  • Ansible for automating the application of configurations to network devices.
  • Docker for isolating testing environments.
  • AI Integration to provide intelligent recommendations before deployment.
2.1 Project Directory Setup

Before diving into the setup, we need a well-structured project directory. Here’s an example of a directory layout:

├── ansible/
   ├── playbooks/
      └── deploy_config.yml
   └── inventory/
       └── hosts.ini
├── configs/
   └── bgp_config.txt
├── tests/
   └── test_bgp_config.py
├── Jenkinsfile
└── README.md
  • ansible/: Contains Ansible playbooks and inventory files.
  • configs/: Stores network configuration files (e.g., BGP, OSPF).
  • tests/: Contains test scripts to validate configurations.
  • Jenkinsfile: Defines the Jenkins pipeline for CI/CD automation.
2.2 Installing and Configuring Git

Git is used to manage and version-control network configuration files. Follow these steps to install and configure Git:

# Install Git on your system (Ubuntu example)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git -y
# Configure Git (set username and email)
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "youremail@example.com"
# Initialize a new Git repository
mkdir network-automation
cd network-automation
git init


  • Git helps track changes to your network configuration files, allowing for collaboration and rollback of configurations if necessary.
2.3 Installing Jenkins for CI Automation

Jenkins is the engine behind the CI process. It automates the execution of tests, running Ansible playbooks, and deploying configurations.

# Install Jenkins (Ubuntu example)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk -y
wget -q -O - https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins -y
# Start Jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
# Access Jenkins


  • Jenkins will automate the build pipeline. Once a network configuration is committed to Git, Jenkins will trigger the build, test, and deploy processes automatically.

3. Automating Network Configuration Deployment Using Ansible

Ansible is the tool we’ll use to automate the deployment of network configurations. Ansible provides a declarative way to define configurations, making network automation scalable and efficient.

3.1 Writing an Ansible Playbook

Let’s create an Ansible playbook to deploy a BGP configuration to a router.

# File: ansible/playbooks/deploy_config.yml
- name: Deploy BGP Configuration
  hosts: routers
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Apply BGP configuration to router
          - router bgp 65001
          - neighbor remote-as 65002
          - network mask
          host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
          username: admin
          password: adminpass


  • ios_config: This module is used to configure Cisco routers.
  • Ansible Playbook: Defines the steps needed to apply a BGP configuration to a network device.
3.2 Running the Ansible Playbook via Jenkins

Next, we need to define a Jenkinsfile that will tell Jenkins how to execute our Ansible playbook.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git 'https://github.com/your-repo/network-automation.git'
        stage('Test Config') {
            steps {
                sh 'ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/hosts.ini ansible/playbooks/deploy_config.yml --check'
        stage('Deploy Config') {
            steps {
                sh 'ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/hosts.ini ansible/playbooks/deploy_config.yml'


  • Checkout Stage: Jenkins pulls the latest configuration files from the Git repository.
  • Test Config Stage: Ansible runs the playbook in check mode to verify the configuration before deployment.
  • Deploy Config Stage: Ansible applies the BGP configuration to the routers.

4. Incorporating AI into the CI/CD Pipeline

Now, let’s integrate AI into the pipeline to provide intelligent recommendations before deploying the configuration.

4.1 AI-Based Configuration Recommendations

Before deployment, AI can review the configuration and suggest optimizations based on real-time network conditions, routing policies, and security standards.

# AI-based BGP configuration recommendation
def get_bgp_recommendations(config_data):
    prompt = f"""You are an AI network engineer. Based on the following BGP configuration:
    Suggest any improvements or optimizations."""
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Example BGP configuration data
config_data = """
router bgp 65001
neighbor remote-as 65002
network mask
# Get AI-based recommendation
recommendation = get_bgp_recommendations(config_data)
print(f"AI Recommendation: {recommendation}")


  • AI Configuration Review: AI analyzes the BGP configuration and suggests optimizations, such as adjusting neighbor relationships or AS paths to improve convergence times or route preference.
4.2 Jenkins Pipeline with AI Integration

We can update our Jenkinsfile to include a step where AI reviews the configuration before deployment.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git 'https://github.com/your-repo/network-automation.git'
        stage('AI Review') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def ai_recommendation = sh(script: "python ai_review.py", returnStdout: true)
                    echo "AI Recommendation: ${ai_recommendation}"
        stage('Test Config') {
            steps {
                sh 'ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/hosts.ini ansible/playbooks/deploy_config.yml --check'
        stage('Deploy Config') {
            steps {
                sh 'ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/hosts.ini ansible/playbooks/deploy_config.yml'


  • AI Review Stage: Before testing or deploying the configuration, AI analyzes the configuration and suggests improvements.
  • Test and Deploy Stages: After the AI review, the configuration is tested and deployed using Ansible.

5. CI/CD Pipeline Execution

With everything set up, here’s the flow:

  1. Commit Changes: A network engineer commits a BGP configuration change to the Git repository.
  2. Jenkins Pipeline: Jenkins automatically triggers the pipeline:
    • AI Review: AI reviews the configuration and suggests optimizations.
    • Test Configuration: Ansible runs the configuration in check mode to ensure it’s correct.
    • Deploy Configuration: Once validated, the configuration is deployed to the routers.

Part 16: Advanced Network Configuration Validation and Testing

In this part of the series, we will explore the critical process of validating network configurations and testing network changes before deploying them into production. Ensuring that network configurations are correct and behave as expected can save countless hours of troubleshooting, prevent network outages, and maintain network performance. We will cover tools like Batfish, pyATS, and techniques for validating configurations and performing pre-change checks.

16.1 Importance of Network Configuration Validation

Validating network configurations ensures that:

  • Network Policies are correctly implemented (e.g., ACLs, route filtering).
  • No Misconfigurations exist, like IP conflicts or loops in spanning-tree topologies.
  • Routing Protocols are operating as intended (e.g., correct route advertisements in BGP, OSPF).
  • Pre-change Testing verifies that changes won’t negatively impact the network.

16.2 Using Batfish for Network Configuration Analysis

Batfish is an open-source network configuration analysis tool that allows you to:

  • Test configurations before deploying them.
  • Simulate network behavior across different routing protocols (BGP, OSPF).
  • Validate network-wide policies like reachability and ACL correctness.

16.2.1 Setting Up Batfish

To use Batfish for your network automation project, install Batfish's Python client:

pip install pybatfish
  • Explanation: pip install pybatfish installs the Batfish Python client that interfaces with the Batfish service for network configuration validation.

Next, start a Batfish service locally using Docker:

docker run --name batfish -d -p 8888:8888 batfish/allinone
  • Explanation: This command pulls and runs the Batfish service in a Docker container. The service will be available on port 8888, and we will interact with it through the Python API.

16.2.2 Analyzing Configurations with Batfish

Once Batfish is running, we can start analyzing network configurations.

  1. Load Network Configurations: Let's assume you have network device configurations in a folder called network_configs/.
from pybatfish.client.commands import bf_session
from pybatfish.question import bfq
# Set up Batfish session
bf_session.host = 'localhost'
# Initialize the network and load configurations
bf_session.init_snapshot('network_configs/', name='my_network')
# Parse the configurations and check for any errors
parse_status = bfq.fileParseStatus().answer()
  • Explanation:
    • bf_session.init_snapshot() loads the network configurations into Batfish.
    • bfq.fileParseStatus() checks for any syntax errors or misconfigurations in the loaded files.
  1. Reachability Testing

We can test whether certain IPs are reachable from one another within the network:

from pybatfish.datamodel.flow import HeaderConstraints
# Define the source and destination
reachability_answer = bfq.reachability(
    pathConstraints={"startLocation": "@enter(node1[Ethernet0])"},
# Print results
  • Explanation:
    • bfq.reachability() simulates network reachability from a source (node1 interface) to a destination IP (
    • The output will indicate whether traffic can flow between these points, factoring in ACLs, routing, and network policies.
  1. BGP Route Validation

You can also validate BGP routes and ensure proper route propagation:

bgp_routes = bfq.bgpRoutes().answer()
  • Explanation: This command queries the BGP route tables of all devices in the network to check whether expected routes are being advertised and learned by the correct devices.

16.2.3 Policy Validation with Batfish

To ensure compliance with network policies, such as allowing or blocking certain traffic between subnets, you can perform policy-based reachability tests:

policy_test = bfq.reachability(
    headers=HeaderConstraints(srcIps="", dstIps="", applications=["tcp/80"]),
  • Explanation: This test checks if traffic from subnet to on port 80 is being denied as expected, based on ACL or firewall policies.

16.3 Using Cisco pyATS for Pre-Deployment Testing

Cisco pyATS is a Python-based network testing framework that allows you to create detailed network tests. It integrates well with CI/CD pipelines and can automate the process of testing network configurations before they are applied.

16.3.1 Installing pyATS

To use pyATS, install it with the following command:

pip install pyats[full]
  • Explanation: This installs the full pyATS package, which includes all testing libraries and dependencies.

16.3.2 Writing a pyATS Test Script

Here’s an example of how to write a simple test that verifies a BGP peering session on a Cisco router:

from genie.testbed import load
from genie.libs.parser.iosxe.show_bgp import ShowIpBgpSummary
# Load the testbed file
testbed = load('testbed.yaml')
# Connect to the device
device = testbed.devices['Router1']
# Run the BGP test
output = device.parse('show ip bgp summary')
# Check the BGP session state
bgp_state = output['vrf']['default']['neighbor']['']['session_state']
assert bgp_state == 'Established', "BGP session is not established!"
print(f"BGP session with is {bgp_state}")
  • Explanation:
    • genie.testbed.load() loads a testbed file that contains device connection information.
    • The script connects to a Cisco router (Router1), runs the command show ip bgp summary, and checks the BGP session state with neighbor
    • An assertion ensures that the BGP session is in the Established state.

16.3.3 Integrating pyATS into CI/CD Pipeline

To incorporate pyATS into your CI/CD pipeline, add it as a test step in your GitHub Actions workflow:

name: Network Validation Pipeline
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.9'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install pytest pyats[full]
      - name: Run pyATS BGP test
        run: |
          python test_bgp.py
  • Explanation: This workflow includes a Run pyATS BGP test step that executes the BGP test script (test_bgp.py). If the test fails, the deployment will be stopped, preventing misconfigurations from being applied to production.

16.4 Advanced Configuration Testing Techniques

16.4.1 Testing ACLs

You can test whether ACLs are correctly implemented and functioning as expected using Batfish or pyATS. For instance, using Batfish:

acl_check = bfq.aclReachability(
    headers=HeaderConstraints(srcIps="", dstIps="", applications=["tcp/22"])
  • Explanation: This command checks if traffic from to on port 22 (SSH) is allowed or denied by the ACLs.

16.4.2 Testing OSPF Adjacencies

To verify OSPF adjacencies using pyATS:

ospf_output = device.parse('show ip ospf neighbor')
# Check OSPF adjacency status
ospf_state = ospf_output['ospf_neighbors']['']['state']
assert ospf_state == 'Full', "OSPF neighbor is not fully adjacent!"
print(f"OSPF neighbor is in {ospf_state} state")
  • Explanation: This script verifies that the OSPF neighbor is in the Full state, indicating a fully established OSPF adjacency.

Part 17: Real-Time Network Monitoring and Feedback Loops

In this part, we’ll explore how to incorporate real-time network monitoring and build feedback loops to ensure that network automation processes are responsive and adaptive to network state changes. Monitoring plays a critical role in maintaining network reliability and performance, especially when automated changes are applied. We will cover tools such as SNMP, NetFlow, syslog, and real-time telemetry. We'll also build Python scripts to collect and process real-time network data and respond dynamically to network events.

17.1 The Importance of Real-Time Network Monitoring

When automating networks, it’s essential to have a feedback loop to monitor changes continuously and react to any issues that may arise. Real-time monitoring helps to:

  • Detect network anomalies (e.g., flapping interfaces, route changes, congestion).
  • Ensure policies are being enforced after changes (e.g., ACLs, QoS).
  • Prevent network downtime by detecting issues early.
  • Automatically roll back changes if a failure is detected.

17.2 Protocols and Methods for Network Monitoring

Several protocols and methods are commonly used for monitoring and gathering real-time network data. Here are the key ones we will use in this part:

17.2.1 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

  • Function: SNMP is a widely used protocol to collect and organize information about managed devices on IP networks. It can be used to monitor CPU utilization, memory usage, interface statistics, and more.
  • How it works: Devices expose MIBs (Management Information Bases), which are collections of information organized hierarchically. SNMP queries retrieve these MIBs to gather data.

17.2.2 NetFlow

  • Function: NetFlow, developed by Cisco, captures IP traffic information, providing data on bandwidth usage, the types of traffic on the network, and who is communicating with whom.
  • How it works: Devices send flow data to a NetFlow collector, which processes the data and generates statistics and traffic summaries.

17.2.3 Syslog

  • Function: Syslog is a standard for message logging. Devices send event messages about system activity (e.g., interface state changes, security violations) to a central syslog server.
  • How it works: Routers, switches, firewalls, and other devices generate logs and send them to a central server where they are analyzed.

17.2.4 Real-Time Telemetry (Streaming Telemetry)

  • Function: Streaming telemetry provides real-time, high-frequency data on network performance, often faster and more scalable than SNMP.
  • How it works: Devices stream telemetry data to collectors or data lakes, where it can be analyzed in real time.

17.3 SNMP Monitoring with Python

Let’s start with SNMP, which is one of the most common ways to gather real-time information about network devices.

17.3.1 Installing Required Libraries

To interact with SNMP in Python, you’ll need the pysnmp library:

pip install pysnmp

17.3.2 Example: Monitoring Interface Status Using SNMP

Here’s a Python script that retrieves the status of an interface using SNMP:

from pysnmp.hlapi import *
# SNMP OID for interface operational status
def get_snmp_data(target, oid, community='public'):
    iterator = getCmd(
        UdpTransportTarget((target, 161)),
    errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(iterator)
    if errorIndication:
        print(f"Error: {errorIndication}")
    elif errorStatus:
        print(f"Error: {errorStatus.prettyPrint()}")
        for varBind in varBinds:
            return f'{varBind[0]} = {varBind[1]}'
if __name__ == "__main__":
    router_ip = ''
    interface_status = get_snmp_data(router_ip, OID_IF_OPER_STATUS + '.1')
    print(f"Interface status: {interface_status}")
  • Explanation:
    • This script queries an SNMP-enabled router for the operational status of an interface (using the OID
    • SNMP OID: This uniquely identifies data in the MIB. In this case, it’s for checking if the interface is up(1) or down(2).

You can modify this script to gather other SNMP data, such as CPU load, memory usage, or error rates on interfaces.

17.3.3 Setting Up SNMP Traps for Event Detection

You can also set up SNMP traps, which are notifications sent by network devices when certain events (like link failures) occur. This allows for proactive monitoring.

Example of setting up an SNMP trap receiver:

from pysnmp.entity import engine, config
from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dgram import udp
from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413 import ntfrcv
# Create an SNMP engine
snmpEngine = engine.SnmpEngine()
# Configure transport (UDP/IPv4)
    udp.UdpTransport().openServerMode(('', 162))
# Callback function to process SNMP traps
def trap_callback(snmpEngine, stateReference, contextEngineId, contextName, varBinds, cbCtx):
    print('Received new trap message')
    for varBind in varBinds:
        print(f'{varBind[0]} = {varBind[1]}')
# Register SNMP Application at the SNMP engine
ntfrcv.NotificationReceiver(snmpEngine, trap_callback)
# Start the SNMP engine to listen for traps
  • Explanation: This script sets up an SNMP engine that listens for traps on UDP port 162. When a trap is received, it processes the trap and prints out the details.

17.4 Using NetFlow for Traffic Analysis

NetFlow is useful for capturing detailed information about traffic flows within the network. It can tell you:

  • Which hosts are communicating.
  • The protocols being used (TCP, UDP, etc.).
  • The amount of traffic between hosts.

17.4.1 Installing a Python NetFlow Library

To work with NetFlow data in Python, you can use a library like PyFlowCollector. You can install it as follows:

pip install pyflowcollector

17.4.2 Example: NetFlow Data Collection

Here’s an example of how to collect NetFlow data using Python:

from pyflowcollector import FlowCollector
def handle_netflow(flow):
    print(f"Flow from {flow['src_addr']} to {flow['dst_addr']}: {flow['bytes']} bytes")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    collector = FlowCollector(bind_ip='', bind_port=2055)
  • Explanation: This script starts a NetFlow collector on port 2055 and prints out the source and destination IPs, as well as the number of bytes in each flow.
  • NetFlow Exporting: Ensure that your network devices are configured to export NetFlow data to the IP and port of your Python collector.

17.5 Syslog Monitoring

Syslog messages provide detailed logs about what is happening on your network devices, including warnings and errors. We can create a Python-based Syslog server to collect and parse these messages.

17.5.1 Example: Setting Up a Syslog Server

To collect syslog messages, we can use a Python library called syslog-rfc5424-parser.

pip install syslog-rfc5424-parser

Here’s how to set up a basic syslog server:

import socket
def start_syslog_server(ip, port):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.bind((ip, port))
    print(f"Listening for syslog messages on {ip}:{port}...")
    while True:
        data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
        print(f"Received message from {addr}: {data.decode()}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_syslog_server('', 514)
  • Explanation: This script creates a basic UDP-based syslog server that listens on port 514 for incoming syslog messages and prints them to the console.
  • Syslog Exporting: Ensure your devices are configured to send syslog messages to your Python server.

17.6 Real-Time Network Telemetry with Python

Streaming telemetry offers a faster and more efficient method of monitoring network devices by pushing real-time data to a collector.

For example, Cisco supports gRPC-based telemetry to stream data from its devices. To handle telemetry streams, you can use Python along with the **grpc

io** library.

17.6.1 Example: Streaming Telemetry Collection

First, install gRPC for Python:

pip install grpcio

Next, here’s an example script that sets up a basic gRPC telemetry collector:

import grpc
# Placeholder for the gRPC-based telemetry collection script
def start_telemetry_collection():
    print("Collecting real-time telemetry data...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Explanation: This is a basic framework for setting up telemetry collection. You would need to configure your devices to stream telemetry data over gRPC to this Python script.

17.7 Building Feedback Loops for Dynamic Response

Once we have real-time monitoring in place, we can create feedback loops to automatically trigger actions based on network conditions.

17.7.1 Example: Dynamic ACL Modification

Let’s create a script that modifies an ACL if a specific threshold is exceeded. For example, if NetFlow shows an IP consuming excessive bandwidth, we might block that IP.

def modify_acl_block_ip(device, ip):
    device.send_config(f'ip access-list extended BLOCKER')
    device.send_config(f'deny ip {ip} any')
def handle_netflow(flow):
    if flow['bytes'] > 1000000:  # If flow exceeds 1MB
        modify_acl_block_ip(router, flow['src_addr'])
  • Explanation: This script dynamically modifies an ACL on a router to block an IP if NetFlow shows it exceeding a certain bandwidth threshold.

Part 18: Automating Network Security

In this part of the series, we will dive into the crucial topic of automating network security. Network security must be robust and adaptive, particularly in a dynamic, automated environment where changes occur rapidly. In this session, we'll cover firewall automation, automating Access Control Lists (ACLs), and leveraging Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) with Python and network APIs to maintain security.

18.1 The Importance of Network Security in Automation

As networks evolve with automation, ensuring that security controls keep pace is vital. Automation helps ensure that:

  • Security policies are applied consistently across all devices.
  • Any policy violations or unauthorized traffic are detected in real-time.
  • Security policies can adapt to emerging threats dynamically.
  • Manual security configurations, which are prone to human error, are minimized.

We will focus on automating key security aspects like firewalls, ACLs, and detection systems.

18.2 Automating Firewalls

Firewalls are the frontline defense of any network, protecting internal resources from unauthorized access. Automating firewalls means ensuring that configurations are applied consistently and updated dynamically when network events or policy changes occur.

18.2.1 Overview of Firewall Automation

Automating firewall configurations allows you to:

  • Update rules based on changing traffic patterns.
  • Deploy new rules in response to detected threats or anomalies.
  • Ensure all firewalls in the network follow unified policies across various segments.

Let’s walk through an example of automating firewall rule updates using Python and APIs.

18.2.2 Example: Automating Firewall Rule Updates via API

Most modern firewalls support API-based management, allowing you to automate rule creation, updates, and deletions. For this example, we'll use a Cisco firewall, though the concept can be adapted for other vendors such as Palo Alto or Juniper.

  1. Installing the Requests Library:

To interact with the firewall API, we’ll need the requests library:

pip install requests
  1. Sample Python Script to Add a Firewall Rule:
import requests
import json
API_ENDPOINT = f"https://{FIREWALL_IP}/api/firewall/rules"
API_TOKEN = "your_firewall_api_token"
def add_firewall_rule(src_ip, dest_ip, action='deny'):
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    rule_data = {
        "source_ip": src_ip,
        "destination_ip": dest_ip,
        "action": action
    response = requests.post(API_ENDPOINT, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(rule_data), verify=False)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Firewall rule added: {src_ip} -> {dest_ip} [{action}]")
        print(f"Failed to add rule: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    add_firewall_rule("", "", "deny")
  • Explanation:
    • This script interacts with the firewall’s API to add a rule that denies traffic from to
    • The API token ensures authentication, and the rule data is structured in JSON format.

18.2.3 Automating Rule Cleanup

Firewalls can become cluttered with old or unused rules over time. Automating rule cleanup helps maintain the firewall’s efficiency. For example, a rule might be automatically deleted if it hasn't been hit for a certain period.

18.3 Automating Access Control Lists (ACLs)

ACLs control the flow of traffic based on policies applied to network devices. Automating ACLs ensures that access rules are applied consistently and dynamically in response to network or security events.

18.3.1 What are ACLs?

  • Standard ACLs: These filter traffic based on source IP addresses.
  • Extended ACLs: These filter traffic based on both source and destination IP addresses, protocols, and port numbers.

18.3.2 Example: Python Script to Automate ACL Changes

Let’s create a Python script that dynamically updates an ACL on a Cisco device using NETCONF, a protocol commonly used to automate network device configurations.

  1. Install the Required Libraries:
pip install ncclient
  1. Automating ACL Creation with NETCONF:
from ncclient import manager
def modify_acl(device_ip, username, password, acl_name, action, src_ip, dest_ip):
    acl_config = f"""
        <native xmlns="http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XE-native">
    with manager.connect(host=device_ip, port=830, username=username, password=password, hostkey_verify=False) as m:
        response = m.edit_config(target="running", config=acl_config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    modify_acl("", "admin", "password", "BLOCK_TRAFFIC", "deny", "", "")
  • Explanation:
    • The script connects to a Cisco router via NETCONF and modifies an ACL to deny traffic from to
    • This kind of script can be enhanced to dynamically update ACLs based on traffic patterns or detected anomalies.

18.3.3 Automating ACL Logging and Review

For security audits, you can automate the extraction of ACL logs and configuration details. These can be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline to ensure security compliance before any change is applied.

18.4 Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)

IDPS systems are used to detect and prevent malicious activities in the network. Automating responses based on the data provided by IDPS systems can add an extra layer of security.

18.4.1 Integrating Python with an IDPS (Snort Example)

Snort is a popular open-source IDPS that can detect a variety of attacks and provide alerts. We can automate reactions to Snort alerts using Python.

  1. Installing Snort: (Skip if Snort is already installed)

    sudo apt-get install snort
  2. Python Script to Parse Snort Alerts and Trigger Actions:

import subprocess
def monitor_snort_alerts():
    snort_alert_file = "/var/log/snort/alert"
    with open(snort_alert_file, 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if "ATTACK DETECTED" in line:
            print(f"Alert: {line}")
def block_ip_on_firewall(alert):
    # Assuming IP is the last word in the alert line
    ip_to_block = alert.split()[-1]
    print(f"Blocking IP: {ip_to_block}")
    # Add firewall rule to block IP using a script or API call
    # Example: firewall_api.block_ip(ip_to_block)
if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Explanation:
    • This script monitors Snort alert logs and triggers a function to block the offending IP by adding a firewall rule when an attack is detected.

18.4.2 Automating Preventive Measures with IDPS

You can automate your IDPS to:

  • Block IPs detected in attack attempts.
  • Quarantine devices that are generating suspicious traffic.
  • Generate reports and trigger additional security mechanisms.

18.5 Automating Security Audits

Security audits, which are often manual and time-consuming, can also be automated. A Python script can run regular security checks (e.g., compliance with security standards like NIST, CIS) on network configurations, ACLs, and firewall rules.

Here’s an example of how you might automate an audit to ensure no default passwords are used on your devices:

import requests
def audit_device_passwords(device_list, default_passwords):
    for device in device_list:
        for default_pass in default_passwords:
            if check_password(device, default_pass):
                print(f"Default password found on device: {device['ip']}")
def check_password(device, password):
    # Function to simulate checking a password
    # Replace with actual login attempts or API checks
    return password == "default_password"
if __name__ == "__main__":
    devices = [{"ip": "", "username": "admin"}, {"ip": "", "username": "admin"}]
    default_passwords = ["admin", "password", "123456"]
    audit_device_passwords(devices, default_passwords)
  • Explanation: This script checks if any device in your network is using

a default password and flags it for review.

18.6 Conclusion

Automating network security is critical in a dynamically changing network environment. In this part, we explored how to automate firewalls, ACLs, and integrate Python with IDPS systems like Snort. These tools, combined with feedback loops and automation scripts, can help you maintain a secure network without requiring constant manual intervention.

In Part 19, we’ll discuss integrating network automation into a Zero Trust architecture, enhancing the security layer even further.