Ansible Mysql Docs

Here's the official documentation for using Ansible to manage MySQL, including examples and references. This information is directly sourced from Ansible’s documentation:

Ansible MySQL Documentation

1. MySQL Modules

Ansible provides several modules to manage MySQL. The primary modules include:

  • mysql_db: Manages MySQL databases.
  • mysql_user: Manages MySQL user accounts.
  • mysql_query: Executes SQL queries on MySQL databases.

2. Module Documentation

  • mysql_db (opens in a new tab)

    • Purpose: Manage MySQL databases.
    • Parameters:
      • name: Name of the database.
      • state: State of the database (present or absent).
      • login_user, login_password, login_host, login_port: Connection parameters.


    - name: Create a database
        name: example_db
        state: present
  • mysql_user (opens in a new tab)

    • Purpose: Manage MySQL user accounts.
    • Parameters:
      • name: Username of the MySQL account.
      • password: Password for the MySQL account.
      • host: Host from which the user is allowed to connect.
      • state: State of the user (present or absent).


    - name: Create a user
        name: example_user
        password: "{{ mysql_user_password }}"
        host: "%"
        state: present
  • mysql_query (opens in a new tab)

    • Purpose: Execute SQL queries.
    • Parameters:
      • query: The SQL query to run.
      • login_user, login_password, login_host, login_port: Connection parameters.


    - name: Run SQL query
        query: "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"

3. Common Practices

  • Setting Root Password:

    • Use mysql_user to set or change the root password.
    • Ensure you connect to the MySQL server as a user with sufficient privileges to make changes.
  • Removing Anonymous Users:

    • Anonymously created MySQL users can be removed using mysql_user by specifying an empty username ("").
  • Removing Remote Root Access:

    • Ensure that root access is restricted to localhost by removing root users with other hosts.
  • Removing Test Database:

    • The mysql_db module can be used to remove the default test database.
  • Reloading Privileges:

    • Use mysql_query to run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; to apply changes to user permissions.

4. Example Playbook

Here’s a complete example of a playbook that installs MySQL, secures it, and performs basic setup tasks:

- hosts: database
  become: yes
    - /path/to/secrets.yml
    - name: Install MySQL server
        name: mysql-server
        state: present
    - name: Set MySQL root password
        name: root
        password: "{{ mysql_root_password }}"
        host: localhost
        state: present
    - name: Remove anonymous MySQL users
        name: ""
        host: "%"
        state: absent
    - name: Remove remote root user
        name: root
        host: "{{ item }}"
        state: absent
        - 'localhost'
        - ''
    - name: Remove test database
        name: test
        state: absent
    - name: Reload MySQL privilege tables
        query: "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"

For more detailed information and options, refer to the official Ansible documentation for each module:

This documentation is essential for managing MySQL installations and configurations securely and efficiently using Ansible.