Python Data Manipulation for Ansible

Let’s go even deeper while maintaining clarity, focusing on Python’s networking capabilities and Ansible integration. I'll expand on concepts, include more advanced Python techniques, and provide a large, detailed cheat sheet for quick reference at the end. The goal is to make this guide highly actionable while keeping the explanations easy to digest.

Advanced Python & Ansible Networking Tutorial

This guide will deepen your understanding of Python for network data manipulation and Ansible integration. We'll tackle advanced data structures, YAML generation, regex, and Ansible inventory automation.

Table of Contents

  1. Advanced Networking Concepts
  2. Working with Complex Data Structures
  3. Advanced Regex for Parsing
  4. Generating Complex YAML Files for Ansible
  5. Python-to-Ansible Workflow with Automation
  6. Expanded Cheat Sheets

Advanced Networking Concepts

In network management, you’ll often need to collect, validate, and transform data. Let’s begin by collecting more advanced details like multiple network interfaces and IPs.

Advanced Python Modules:

import socket
import ipaddress
import re
import yaml
import json

These modules cover all networking needs:

  • socket: Essential for hostname, IP address handling, and DNS lookups.
  • ipaddress: Allows precise manipulation and validation of IPs (IPv4 and IPv6).
  • re: Essential for powerful string manipulation and extraction.
  • yaml and json: Enable serialization of data into formats like YAML for Ansible or JSON for API requests.

Retrieving Multiple Network Interfaces and IPs:

def get_all_ips():
    """Return a list of all IP addresses for the local machine."""
    ip_list = []
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    ips = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, None)
    for ip in ips:
    return ip_list

Explanation: This function collects all available IP addresses for the machine, including IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Collecting Interface Details:

import os
def get_interfaces():
    """Return a dictionary of network interfaces with their associated IPs."""
    interfaces = {}
    for interface in os.listdir('/sys/class/net/'):
            ip = socket.gethostbyname(interface)
            interfaces[interface] = ip
        except socket.error:
            pass  # Skip interfaces without an IP
    return interfaces

Explanation: This function collects details of each network interface and its associated IP address, ideal for environments with multiple network adapters.

Working with Complex Data Structures

In real-world scenarios, network data often comes in nested structures. Understanding how to manipulate these with Python is crucial for automation.

Example: Nested Dictionaries and Lists

You might have a data structure like this for your network devices:

devices = {
    "datacenter_1": {
        "web_servers": [
            {"hostname": "web1.dc1", "ip": ""},
            {"hostname": "web2.dc1", "ip": ""}
        "db_servers": [
            {"hostname": "db1.dc1", "ip": ""}
    "datacenter_2": {
        "web_servers": [
            {"hostname": "web1.dc2", "ip": ""}
        "db_servers": [
            {"hostname": "db1.dc2", "ip": ""}

Iterating Through Nested Structures:

def print_device_info(devices):
    """Prints all hostnames and IPs from a nested dictionary of devices."""
    for datacenter, roles in devices.items():
        print(f"\nDatacenter: {datacenter}")
        for role, servers in roles.items():
            print(f"  {role.capitalize()}:")
            for server in servers:
                print(f"    Hostname: {server['hostname']}, IP: {server['ip']}")

Explanation: This function iterates over a complex nested dictionary structure, extracting and printing key details (hostname and IP).

Advanced Regex for Parsing

Let’s look at more complex regex patterns to handle real-world scenarios like parsing logs, extracting FQDNs, or handling IPv6 addresses.

Extracting Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs):

def extract_fqdns_from_text(text):
    """Extracts FQDNs from a block of text using regex."""
    fqdn_pattern = r'\b(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}\b'
    return re.findall(fqdn_pattern, text)

Handling IPv6 Addresses:

def extract_ipv6_from_text(text):
    """Extracts IPv6 addresses from text using regex."""
    ipv6_pattern = r'([a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}'
    return re.findall(ipv6_pattern, text)

Parsing Combined IPv4/IPv6 Patterns:

def extract_all_ips(text):
    """Extracts both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text."""
    ipv4_pattern = r'\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b'
    ipv6_pattern = r'([a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}'
    ipv4_matches = re.findall(ipv4_pattern, text)
    ipv6_matches = re.findall(ipv6_pattern, text)
    return ipv4_matches + ipv6_matches

Explanation: These regex functions allow you to extract valid FQDNs, IPv4, and IPv6 addresses from a given block of text.

Generating Complex YAML Files for Ansible

When automating network configurations, you’ll need to convert Python data structures into Ansible-compatible YAML.

Convert Complex Python Data Structures to YAML:

def create_complex_ansible_yaml(devices):
    Generate YAML for complex Ansible inventory based on a nested dictionary.
    devices (dict): A dictionary where keys are groups, and values are lists of devices.
    str: YAML-formatted string.
    inventory = {"all": {"children": {}}}
    for datacenter, roles in devices.items():
        inventory["all"]["children"][datacenter] = {"children": {}}
        for role, servers in roles.items():
            inventory["all"]["children"][datacenter]["children"][role] = {
                "hosts": {server["hostname"]: {"ansible_host": server["ip"]} for server in servers}
    return yaml.dump(inventory, default_flow_style=False)

Explanation: This function dynamically converts nested Python dictionaries into a structured YAML file, suitable for use as an Ansible inventory.

Example Output:

For the above devices dictionary, the YAML output would look like this:


Python-to-Ansible Workflow with Automation

Full Example Workflow:

  1. Step 1: Gather Data: Use Python to dynamically collect networking data, such as hostnames, IPs, or even parsing text logs.

  2. Step 2: Validate and Structure Data: Validate hostnames, IPs (both IPv4 and IPv6), and ensure that data is structured correctly for use in Ansible.

  3. Step 3: Convert to YAML: Use Python's yaml module to generate YAML that represents your Ansible inventory.

  4. Step 4: Automate with Ansible: Feed this YAML into your Ansible playbooks to dynamically adjust configurations based on real-time data.

Example Code:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example nested structure of devices
    devices = {
        "datacenter_1": {
            "web_servers": [
                {"hostname": "web1.dc1", "ip": ""},
                {"hostname": "web2.dc1", "ip": ""}
            "db_servers": [
                {"hostname": "db1.dc1", "ip": ""}
        "datacenter_2": {
            "web_servers": [
                {"hostname": "web1.dc2", "ip": "10.1.0
            "db_servers": [
                {"hostname": "db1.dc2", "ip": ""}
    # Convert to YAML for Ansible
    ansible_yaml = create_complex_ansible_yaml(devices)

Expanded Cheat Sheets

Regex Cheat Sheet:

Regex PatternExplanation
\b(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}\bExtract fully qualified domain names (FQDNs)
\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\bExtract IPv4 addresses
([a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}Extract IPv6 addresses
\w+@\w+\.\w+Extract email addresses

Ansible YAML Structure:

ComponentYAML StructureExample
Inventory Host Definitionhosts: hostname: {ansible_host: ip}web1: {ansible_host:}
Group Definitionchildren: group_name: {hosts: {}}web_servers: {hosts: {}}
Root Definitionall: {children: {}}all: {children: {datacenter_1: {}}}

This comprehensive guide bridges advanced Python and Ansible networking concepts while keeping the material accessible. Let me know if you'd like further clarification or deeper dives into specific sections!