Intergrate Multiple Playbooks

Procedure Manual: Integrating Playbooks in Ansible

Title: Playbook Integration and Execution

Objective: Combine multiple Ansible playbooks into a single playbook that executes tasks on specified hosts or groups. This manual details the steps to integrate and execute multiple playbooks using import_tasks and explains best practices, including the removal of the hosts file and individual hosts directives.

Steps to Integrate Multiple Playbooks

  1. Create the Main Playbook

    Create a main playbook that includes other playbooks as tasks. Use the import_tasks directive to include the tasks from other playbooks. This approach allows you to manage and run several playbooks from a single file.

    - name: Harden Ubuntu Servers
      hosts: webservers, dbservers
      become: yes
        - name: Include SSH key distribution playbook
          import_tasks: ansible/playbooks/1-distribute_ssh_keys.yml
        - name: Include SSH security playbook
          import_tasks: ansible/playbooks/2-secure_ubuntu-ssh.yml
        - name: Include UFW setup playbook
          import_tasks: ansible/playbooks/3-secure_ubuntu-ufw.yml
        - name: Include Fail2ban setup playbook
          import_tasks: ansible/playbooks/4-setup_fail2ban.yml
  2. Ensure Task Files Are Correctly Formatted

    Each included playbook file should be formatted correctly with a tasks: section. Ensure that the tasks in each file are valid and follow the YAML syntax.

    Example for 1-distribute_ssh_keys.yml:

    - name: Create Group
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: present
        - "ansible"
    - name: Create users and SSH Keys
        password: "$6$GHSHYwrL8/7CQOgE$/sKgcUjQix6mlB6ctd8hhPJjgsMD3Adyy4RyQO2yfjkWdsmLxehfa9/2jQ/CY1Pwv3y.Q2WDnWamrTStIp928."
        name: "{{ }}"
        groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
        state: present
        shell: /bin/bash
        create_home: yes
        - {name: 'ansible', groups: ['ansible','sudo']}
    - name: Install authorized Key for ansible user
        user: "ansible"
        key: "{{ lookup('file', '/home/hwdev123/.ssh/') }}"
  3. Remove hosts Directive from Individual Playbooks

    Reason for Removal:

    • Avoid Conflicts: Removing the hosts directive prevents conflicts when including playbooks in a main playbook where hosts is already specified.
    • Centralized Control: Managing hosts in the main playbook provides centralized control over the execution targets.
    • Flexibility: Allows for easier reuse of playbooks in different contexts or for different groups of hosts.

    How to Adjust Individual Playbooks:

    • Remove the hosts directive from each playbook.
    • Ensure each playbook only defines tasks.

    Example Adjustments:


    - name: Create Group
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: present
        - "ansible"
    - name: Create users and SSH Keys
        password: "$6$GHSHYwrL8/7CQOgE$/sKgcUjQix6mlB6ctd8hhPJjgsMD3Adyy4RyQO2yfjkWdsmLxehfa9/2jQ/CY1Pwv3y.Q2WDnWamrTStIp928."
        name: "{{ }}"
        groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
        state: present
        shell: /bin/bash
        create_home: yes
        - {name: 'ansible', groups: ['ansible','sudo']}
    - name: Install authorized Key for ansible user
        user: "ansible"
        key: "{{ lookup('file', '/home/hwdev123/.ssh/') }}"


    - name: Disable root login
        path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        regexp: '^PermitRootLogin'
        line: 'PermitRootLogin no'
    - name: Ensure PasswordAuthentication is uncommented and turned off
        path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        regexp: '^#PasswordAuthentication yes'
        line: 'PasswordAuthentication no'
    - name: Restart SSH Service
        name: sshd
        state: restarted


    - name: ALLOW OpenSSH
        name: OpenSSH
        rule: "allow"
    - name: Allow Nginx
        name: Nginx HTTP
        rule: "allow"
    - name: Enable UFW
        state: enabled


    - name: Install Fail2ban
        name: fail2ban
        update_cache: yes
        state: present
    - name: Start fail2ban service
        name: fail2ban
        enabled: yes
        state: started
    - name: Check fail2ban status
        name: fail2ban
        enabled: yes
        state: started
      register: result
    - name: Print result
        var: result.stdout
  4. Run the Main Playbook

    Execute the main playbook using the ansible-playbook command:

    ansible-playbook ansible/playbooks/main-harden_ubuntu.yml
  5. Verify Execution

    Check the output of the playbook run to ensure all tasks were executed successfully. Look for any errors or warnings in the output and address them as needed.

  6. Update and Maintain

    Regularly review and update the playbooks as necessary to reflect any changes in requirements or infrastructure. Ensure that any new playbooks or tasks are integrated into the main playbook appropriately.


  • Use Dynamic Inventory: Consider using dynamic inventory scripts or plugins to manage your hosts. This allows for automatic updates and scalability.
  • Keep Playbooks Modular: Continue to keep playbooks modular and focused on specific tasks or roles, enhancing reusability and readability.
  • Regular Reviews: Regularly review and update your playbooks and inventory setup to adapt to changes in your infrastructure and requirements.

By following these best practices and the updated procedure manual, you ensure a more efficient and maintainable approach to managing and executing Ansible playbooks.